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A beautiful neuromorphic noticeboard app

GGSIPU Notices App

This is a beautiful neuromorphic noticeboard app for Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University. This works on both Android and iOS.

This is an unofficial App.

This app gets its source of notices from a Python and Flask server which I have deployed on Heroku. That server scrapes IP University’s website every minute and updates the FireBase database and also sends a notification to the user if any new notice is found. The app provides the user with a fast and smooth experience filled with subtle animations and minimal design.

List of Contents

  1. Features
  2. Demo
  3. Dependencies
  4. Usage
  5. Development
  6. Contributors
  7. To-Do



Notice BoardAbout PageNotice BoardAbout Page


The following packages are needed for the development of this application.

More details about these can be found in the pubspec.yaml file.


The application files for Android devices can be found under the bin folder.


Start by forking the repository, and then run flutter pub get in the local repository. You are now ready to modify, fix, update, or remove any feature in the app. If you want, you can create pull requests, we will be happy to welcome them. To modify the server, make changes in server/ file.

Note: This project requires Flutter Framework to be installed on your machine. You will also need Firebase and Firebase Cloud Messaging API Keys.

To Do

Download neuromorphic noticeboard app source code on GitHub

Exit mobile version