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A demo app project made with Flutter for personal favorites GitHub repos

Flutter App – My Starred Repos

A demo app project made with Flutter

This app shows your favorites GitHub repositories. You can search for other repos, preview them, and star or un-star them.


Platform-specific features

Native flavors✔️✔️
Different app icon per flavor✔️✔️🔍🔍🔍🔍
Different app splash per flavor✔️📌🔍🔍🔍🔍
Different app splash per dark/light theme✔️🔍🔍🔍🔍🔍
App signing pre-configuration✔️🔍🔍🔍🔍🔍
📌Not implemented (yet)
Not applicable
🔍Under investigation

Project-wide features



Working with the project

As described in the Features section, this projects is a monorepo and uses melos to provide easy management of it. Thus, this tool should be previously activated.

The available melos scrips are defined in the melos.yaml file.

In short, the scripts with lowercase names are selective (they get executed for a selected package) and the ones with uppercase names are global (they get executed for all packages in the project). Besides, those scripts named with the :ci ending are the variations used for CI workflows.

To review all available scrips, run melos run in the project root folder and they will be listed with a short description of their functionality.

App configuration

This project uses a YAML file as config data provider and it should be placed inside the assets/config/ folder.

Its name should be app_config.<env_tag>.yaml, where <env_tag> should be replaced by devstg or prod according to your desired flavor.

The schema of this config file should be as described below:

# GitHub auth config data.
  # GitHub app client identifier.
  clientId: client_id
  # GitHub app client secret.
  clientSecret: client_secret

For easy setup, you can take the assets/config/app_config.sample.yaml sample file.

App flavors

This project supports 3 flavors/environments that provide different properties for the resultant app as described in the Features section.

These flavors can be used directly with the launch configuration in Visual Studio Code or by executing one of the following commands in the project root folder:

# Development
$ flutter run --flavor dev --target lib/main_dev.dart

# Staging
$ flutter run --flavor stg --target lib/main_stg.dart

# Production
$ flutter run --flavor prod --target lib/main_prod.dart

Note 1: The --flavor option only applies for Android and iOS. For other platforms, this options is ignored.

Note 2: The target path separator (\ or /) might change according to the OS.

Note 3: Each flavor use a config file to setup some elements. You should make sure that this file exists.

IDE debugging

Visual Studio Code

Follow these steps on Visual Studio Code:

  1. Open the Run and Debug view.
  2. Select the flavor you want to use and then click the Play icon or press the F5 key to start debugging.

Internationalization (app languages)

This project relies on flutter_localizations and follows the official internationalization guide for Flutter.

Adding localized values

  1. To add a new localizable string, open the app_<locale ID>.arb file at the lib/l10n/arb/ folder.{ "@@locale": "<locale ID>", ··· "<valueKey>": "<value>", "@<valueKey>": { "description": "<description>" }, ··· }
  2. Then add a new key, value and description{ "@@locale": "<locale ID>", ··· "<valueKey>": "<value>", "@<valueKey>": { "description": "<description>" }, ··· "<newValueKey>": "<new value>", "@<newValueKey>": { "description": "<new value description>" } }
  3. Generate the localization implementation by running the flutter gen-l10n command in the project root folder.
  4. Use the new stringimport ‘package:<app_package_name>/l10n/l10n.dart’; ··· @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { final l10n = context.l10n; return Text(l10n.<newValueKey>); } ···

Adding translations

  1. For each supported locale, add a new ARB file in lib/l10n/arb.├── lib │ ├── l10n │ │ ├── arb │ │ │ ├── app_<locale ID>.arb │ │ │ └── app_<new locale ID>.arb
  2. Add the translated strings to each .arb file:app_<locale ID>.arb{ "@@locale": "<locale ID>", ··· "<valueKey>": "<value for locale ID>", "@<valueKey>": { "description": "<description for locale ID>", }, ··· } app_<new locale ID>.arb{ "@@locale": "<new locale ID>", ··· "<valueKey>": "<value for new locale ID>", "@<valueKey>": { "description": "<description for new locale ID>" }, ··· }

Complex use cases

For more complex needs, you could check the following resources:


  1. To run all unit and widget tests, run the following melos script:$ melos run TNote: This scrip will exclude tests tagged as ci-only, which indicates that they should be run on CI/CD envs only.
  2. To unify the generated coverage data, run the following melos script:$ melos run MNote: This script will discard coverage data related to Dart source code generated with build_runner-based packages (for this project:
  3. To generate simple coverage HTML report within the coverage folder, run the following coverde command:$ coverde –input-tracefile coverage/ –output-report-dir coverage/html/
  4. To open the generated coverage report follow your preferred method:
    • 4.a. Run one of the following commands according to your OS:# Linux $ xdg-open coverage/html/index.html # MacOS $ open coverage/html/index.html # Windows $ start coverage/html/index.htmlNow, within the launched browser window, the test coverage per folder, file and even file content can be reviewed.
    • 4.b. Follow these steps on Visual Studio Code:
      1. Download the Coverage Gutters VSC extension.
      2. Start watching the coverage info with the Coverage Gutters: Watch VSC command.
      3. Navigate throw your files. You will see visual indicators highlighting covered parts with green and uncovered parts with red (as long as you use the default extension configuration but this behavior can be changed).


Submit a new issue report if you find any bug or have any suggestion.

Download source code on GitHub

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