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A Flutter app that demonstrates Flutter’s ability to create a beautiful UI


A demo app that demonstrates Flutter’s ability to create beautiful UI with complex animations. The app fetches recipes from local storage.

📦 Packages

Description Package
Architecture Reference Architecture
State Management flutter_riverpod
Theming flex_color_scheme
animation flutter_animate & explicit animation

Screenshot 📸


🩻 Project Structure

|- assets <- recipe.json and images
|_ 📁src
	|__ 📁core
	|	|__ 📁animation <- page transition
	|	|__ 📁constants
	|	|__ 📁theme <- define themes & and colors
	|	|__ 📁widgets <- widgets that are used in multiple screens
    	|__ 📁onboarding <- onboarding screen and its widgets
	|__ 📁recipes 
        	|__ 📁domain <- entities
		|__ 📁data <- recipe repository (fetch recipes from recipe.json)
        	|__ 📁presentation <- Home Screen & Recipe Details Screen and other related widgets

💭 Inspiration


🗞️ License

MIT License

Download this UI source code on GitHub


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