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A flutter package for creating badges

Badges for Flutter


In your pubspec.yaml

  badges: ^1.1.0
import 'package:badges/badges.dart';

Basic Usage:

      badgeContent: Text('3'),
      child: Icon(Icons.settings),




Sometimes you may want to use chip but it’s too big, even if set padding to zero. This is where Badge comes handy.

      backgroundColor: Colors.deepPurple,
      padding: EdgeInsets.all(0),
      label: Text('BADGE', style: TextStyle(color: Colors.white)),
      badgeColor: Colors.deepPurple,
      shape: BadgeShape.square,
      borderRadius: 20,
      toAnimate: false,
          Text('BADGE', style: TextStyle(color: Colors.white)),

Custom Usage

There are several options that allow for more control:

Widget badgeContentThe content of badge. Usually Text or Icon.
Color badgeColorBackground color of the badge.
Widget childThe main widget. By default it’s below the red badge. Usually Icon, IconButton, Text or button.
double elevationShadow of the badge.
bool toAnimateWhether animate badge when badge content changed or not.
BadgePosition positionCan be one of BadgePosition.topLeft(), BadgePosition.topRight(), BadgePosition.bottomLeft(), BadgePosition.bottomRight(). Sometimes you want to create unique badge position or create new one manually. For this use BadgePosition.topRight(top: -12, right: -20) or BadgePosition.(left, top, right, bottom).
BadgeShape or BadgeShape.square. You can use borderRadius to change border radius of badge of you use square BadgeShape.square.
double borderRadiusBorder radius of badge. Applies only if BadgeShape.square is used.
EdgeInsets paddingThe padding of badge content.
Duration animationDurationThe duration of badge animation when badge content is changed.
BadgeAnimationType animationTypeCan be one of BadgeAnimationType.slide, BadgeAnimationType.scale or BadgeAnimationType.fade.
bool showBadgeHide or show a badge with animation using bool flag.

Check out Souce Code of A flutter package for creating badges on GitHub

A flutter package for creating badges.
134 forks.
729 stars.
12 open issues.

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