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A library contains methods that make it easy to consume Mpesa Api

This library contains methods that make it easy to consume Mpesa Api. It’s multi-platform, and supports CLI, server, mobile, desktop, and the browser.

Ready Methods/APIs include


Create an instance of Mpesa, then use its methods to consume the Api

import 'package:dart_mpesa/dart_mpesa.dart';

main() {
  var mpesa = Mpesa(
    shortCode: "",
    consumerKey: "",
    consumerSecret: "",
    initiatorName: "",
    securityCredential: "",
    passKey: "",
    identifierType: IdentifierType.OrganizationShortCode, // Type of organization, options, OrganizationShortCode, TillNumber, OrganizationShortCode
    applicationMode: ApplicationMode.test

lipa na mpesa online

LIPA NA M-PESA ONLINE API also know as M-PESA express (STK Push) is a Merchant/Business initiated C2B (Customer to Business) Payment.

  MpesaResponse _res = await mpesa.lipanaMpesaOnline(
    phoneNumber: "",
    amount: 0,
    accountReference: "",
    transactionDesc: "",
    callBackURL: "", 



The Business to Business (B2B) API is used to transfer money from one business to another business.

  _res = await mpesa.b2bTransaction(
    shortCode: "",
    amount: 0,
    remarks: "",
    accountReference: "", // optional
    resultURL: "", 
    queueTimeOutURL: "",
    identifierType: IdentifierType.OrganizationShortCode, // options, OrganizationShortCode, TillNumber, OrganizationShortCode
    commandID: BbCommandId.BusinessToBusinessTransfer, // options, BusinessToBusinessTransfer, BusinessPayBill, BusinessBuyGoods, DisburseFundsToBusiness, MerchantToMerchantTransfer

B2B buy goods

A transfer of funds from one Organization’s Working Account to another Organization’s Merchant Account.

  _res = await mpesa.b2bBuyGoodsTransaction(
    shortCode: "",
    amount: 0,
    remarks: "",
    resultURL: "", 
    queueTimeOutURL: "",

fetch token

    _res = await mpesa.fetchToken;

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