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An application built for students to access Notes, Question Papers, Syllabus and Resources

OU Notes [Osmania University (O.U)]

For the Students , By the Students. 
An Application for Osmania University students to access educational material at one place built with the famous Stacked Architecture in Flutter.

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 O.U Notes
 O.U Previous Question Papers
 O.U Syllabus
 O.U Resources


 Access documents directly within app using inbuilt PDF viewer
 Ability to save documents in downloads
 Report documents for admins to review
 Notifications about events and other information related to the university

 Now any user can upload documents! 


 Click to expand


If you wish to contribute a change to any of the existing feature or add new in this repo, please review our contribution guide, and send a pull request. I welcome and encourage all pull requests. It usually will take me within 24-48 hours to respond to any issue or request.


Getting started

Directory Structure

 Click to expand [Stacked Architecture ]

|-- lib
|   |-- AppTheme
|   |   |-- AppStateNotifier.dart
|   |   '-- AppTheme.dart
|   |-- CustomIcons
|   |   '-- custom_icons.dart
|   |-- app
|   |   |-- locator.dart
|   |   |-- locator.iconfig.dart
|   |   |-- logger.dart
|   |   |-- router.dart
|   |   '--
|   |-- enums
|   |   |-- constants.dart
|   |   '-- enums.dart
|   |-- main.dart
|   |-- models
|   |   |-- course_info.dart
|   |   |-- document.dart
|   |   |-- download.dart
|   |   |-- syllabus.dart
|   |   |-- user.dart
|   |   '-- vote.dart
|   |-- services
|   |   |-- funtional_services
|   |   |   |-- authentication_service.dart
|   |   |   |-- cloud_storage_service.dart
|   |   |   |-- db_service.dart
|   |   |   |-- email_service.dart
|   |   |   |-- firestore_service.dart
|   |   |   |-- sharedpref_service.dart
|   |   |   '-- third_party_services_module.dart
|   |   '-- state_services
|   |       |-- download_service.dart
|   |       |-- links_service.dart
|   |       |-- notes_service.dart
|   |       |-- question_paper_service.dart
|   |       |-- report_service.dart
|   |       |-- subjects_service.dart
|   |       |-- syllabus_service.dart
|   |       '-- vote_service.dart
|   |-- ui
|   |   |-- shared
|   |   |   |-- app_config.dart
|   |   |   |-- shared_styles.dart
|   |   |   '-- ui_helper.dart
|   |   |-- views
|   |   |   |-- FilterDocuments
|   |   |   |   |-- FD_DocumentDisplay
|   |   |   |   |   |-- fd_documentview.dart
|   |   |   |   |   '-- fd_documentviewmodel.dart
|   |   |   |   |-- FD_InputScreen
|   |   |   |   |   |-- fd_inputView.dart
|   |   |   |   |   '-- fd_inputViewmodel.dart
|   |   |   |   '-- FD_subjectdisplay
|   |   |   |       |-- fd_subjectview.dart
|   |   |   |       '-- fd_subjectviewmodel.dart
|   |   |   |-- Profile
|   |   |   |   |-- profile_view.dart
|   |   |   |   '-- profile_viewmodel.dart
|   |   |   |-- about_us
|   |   |   |   '-- about_us_view.dart
|   |   |   | (8 more...)
|   |   |   |-- search
|   |   |   |   |-- search_view.dart
|   |   |   |   |-- search_viewmodel.dart
|   |   |   |   '-- suggestion_list
|   |   |   |       '-- suggestion_list_view.dart
|   |   |   |-- splash
|   |   |   |   |-- spash_view.dart
|   |   |   |   '-- splash_viewmodel.dart
|   |   |   '-- syllabus
|   |   |       |-- syllabus_view.dart
|   |   |       '-- syllabus_viewmodel.dart
|   |   '-- widgets
|   |       |-- dumb_widgets
|   |       |   |-- SaveButtonView.dart
|   |       |   |-- TextFieldView.dart
|   |       |   |-- drawer_header.dart
|   |       |   |-- expantion_list.dart
|   |       |   |-- nav_item.dart
|   |       |   |-- no_subjects_overlay.dart
|   |       |   '-- progress.dart
|   |       '-- smart_widgets
|   |           |-- FilterSubjects_view
|   |           |   |-- filtersubjects_view.dart
|   |           |   '-- filtersubjects_viewmodel.dart
|   |           |-- drawer
|   |           |   |-- drawer_view.dart
|   |           |   '-- drawer_viewmodel.dart
|   |           |-- links_tile_view
|   |           |   |-- links_tile_view.dart
|   |           |   '-- links_tile_viewmodel.dart
|   |           |-- notes_tile
|   |           |   |-- notes_tile_view.dart
|   |           |   '-- notes_tile_viewmodel.dart
|   |           |-- question_paper_tile
|   |           |   |-- question_paper_tile_view.dart
|   |           |   '-- question_paper_tile_viewmodel.dart
|   |           |-- subjects_dialog
|   |           |   |-- subjects_dialog_view.dart
|   |           |   '-- subjects_dialog_viewmodel.dart
|   |           |-- syllabus_tile.dart
|   |           |   |-- syllabus_tile_view.dart
|   |           |   '-- syllabus_tile_viewmodel.dart
|   |           '-- user_subject_list
|   |               |-- user_subject_list_view.dart
|   |               '-- user_subject_list_viewmodel.dart
|   '-- utils
|       '-- file_picker_service.dart
|-- pubspec.yaml

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