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Attempt to implement better scrolling for Flutter Web and Desktop


An attempt to implement better scrolling for Flutter Web and Desktop.

Includes keyboard, MButton and custom mouse wheel scrolling.

Getting started


Usage and features

(from the example app)

final controller = ScrollController();


      scrollController: controller,
      onScroll: (scrollOffset) => debugPrint(
        'Scroll offset: $scrollOffset',
      onMMBScrollStateChanged: (scrolling) => debugPrint(
        'Is scrolling: $scrolling',
      onMMBScrollCursorPositionUpdate: (localCursorOffset, scrollActivity) => debugPrint(
            'Cursor position: $localCursorOffset\n'
            'Scroll activity: $scrollActivity',
      enableMMBScrolling: true,
      enableKeyboardScrolling: true,
      enableCustomMouseWheelScrolling: true,
      mmbScrollConfig: MMBScrollConfig(
        customScrollCursor: useSystemCursor ? null : const DefaultCustomScrollCursor(),
      keyboardScrollConfig: KeyboardScrollConfig(
        arrowsScrollAmount: 250.0,
        homeScrollDurationBuilder: (currentScrollOffset, minScrollOffset) {
          return const Duration(milliseconds: 100);
        endScrollDurationBuilder: (currentScrollOffset, maxScrollOffset) {
          return const Duration(milliseconds: 2000);
      customMouseWheelScrollConfig: const CustomMouseWheelScrollConfig(
        scrollAmountMultiplier: 2.0,
      child: ScrollConfiguration(
        behavior: const CustomScrollBehaviour(),
        child: GridView(
          controller: controller,
          physics: const NeverScrollableScrollPhysics(),
          scrollDirection: axis,
          padding: const EdgeInsets.all(24.0),
          gridDelegate: const SliverGridDelegateWithMaxCrossAxisExtent(
            maxCrossAxisExtent: 400.0,
            mainAxisExtent: 400.0,
          children: buildScrollableItemList(axis),




Other than the above features, there are also a few callbacks available on the ImprovedScrolling Widget:

// Triggers whenever the ScrollController scrolls, no matter how or why
onScroll: (double scrollOffset) => debugPrint(
  'Scroll offset: $scrollOffset',

// Triggers whenever the middle mouse button scrolling feature is activated or deactivated
onMMBScrollStateChanged: (bool scrolling) => debugPrint(
  'Is scrolling: $scrolling',

// Triggers whenever the cursor is moved on the scrollable area, while the
// middle mouse button feature is active and is scrolling
// We also get the current scroll activity (idle or moving up/down/left/right)
// at the time the cursor moves
onMMBScrollCursorPositionUpdate: (
  Offset localCursorOffset,
  MMBScrollCursorActivity scrollActivity,
) => debugPrint(
    'Cursor position: $localCursorOffset\n'
    'Scroll activity: $scrollActivity',

Download scrolling for Flutter Web and Desktop widget source code on GitHub
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