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Compare your design and current flutter layout


Put a semi-transparent image with the design over the top of the developed layout. It helps you to compare original design and current page.

Getting started

Add pixel_perfect in your pubspec.yaml dependencies.

 pixel_perfect: any

How To Use

Simple use

Add assets folder with images to your pubspec.yaml

  uses-material-design: true
    - assets/

Import the following package in your dart file

import 'package:pixel_perfect/pixel_perfect.dart';
return PixelPerfect(
  assetPath: 'assets/design.png', // path to your asset image
  scale: 1 // scale value (optional)
  initBottom: 20, //  default bottom distance (optional)
  offset:, // default image offset (optional)
  initOpacity: 0.4 // init opacity value (optional)
  child: Scaffold(

Extended use

return PixelPerfect.extended(
  image: Image.asset( // any image file
    scale: 2,
  initBottom: 20, //  default bottom distance (optional)
  offset:, // default image offset (optional)
  initOpacity: 0.4 // init opacity value (optional)
  child: Scaffold(

Download pixel perfect tool source code on GitHub

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