Flutter Animation Set
Simplified Flutter stagger animation.To drive the Flutter stagger animation through a timeline in the form of an animation configuration.You can
- Uses the existing Animation Widget of
Flutter Animation Set
- Use
Flutter Animation Set
to create a new Animation Widget - Contribute your Flutter Animation Set Widget
- Watch All of the
of Flutter in example
dependencies: flutter_animation_set: ^0.0.4
Use Animation Set Widget
import 'package:flutter_animation_set/widget/transition_animations.dart'; import 'package:flutter_animation_set/widget/behavior_animations.dart';
child: YYRotatingPlane(),
3、road map
YYRotatingPlane | YYDoubleBounce | YYWave | YYWanderingCubes | YYFadingFour | YYFadingCube |
YYPulse | YYThreeBounce | YYThreeLine | YYCubeGrid | YYRotatingCircle | YYPumpingHeart |
YYRipple | YYRotateLine | YYCubeFadeIn | YYBlinkGrid |
Create Animation Set Widget By YourSelf
import 'package:flutter_animation_set/animation_set.dart'; import 'package:flutter_animation_set/animator.dart';
2、use widget
AnimatorSet( child: widget.child, animatorSet: [], animationType: AnimationType.reverse, debug: false, )
AnimatorSet Supported properties
Property | Mean | Default |
child | The component that performs the animation | not have |
animatorSet | Collection of animation | not have |
animationType | Controls the type of animation execution | AnimationType.repeat |
debug | The output log | false |
The properties of the animationType
Property | Mean |
repeat | Repeat animation |
reverse | Rewind animation |
once | One play animation |
3、use AnimatorSet api
about animation widget
Widget | Mean | Description |
W | width | Control the change of width. If it is scaled up, SX is recommended instead |
H | height | Control the change of height. If it is scaled up, SY is recommended instead |
P | padding | Control padding changes |
O | opacity | Control opacity changes |
SX | scaleX | Scale the X-axis with the midpoint |
SY | scaleY | Scale the Y-axis with the midpoint |
RX | rotateX | Rotate the X-axis with the midpoint |
RY | rotateY | Rotate the Y-axis with the midpoint |
RZ | rotateZ | Rotate the Z-axis with the midpoint |
TX | transitionX | Translate the Z-axis with the midpoint |
TY | transitionY | Translate the Y-axis with the midpoint |
C | color | Control background color changes |
B | border | Control background border changes |
about support widget
Widget | Mean | Description |
Delay | delay timeLine | Extend the timeline to wait |
Serial | combine animation | Through the combination of animation, to achieve the effect of playing together |
For Example
1、create timeLine
- This figure shows that the core components of the animation are made according to the timeLine
- In the process of execution, there are 6 animations simultaneously, and the total animation duration is 900ms
- ScaleY components are used to scale up and down in order to make each rectangle have a wave effect
- Drag the timeline with the Delay component to reach the animation duration of 900ms
2、build animatorSet
Assemble our animation component using the diagram above, which has the following properties
- from:Animation initial value
- to:End of animation value
- duration:Animation time
- delay:The delay in actually executing the animation
- curve:Animation interpolator
animatorSet: [ Delay(duration: before), SY(from: 0.8, to: 1.6, duration: 200, delay: 0, curve: Curves.linear), SY(from: 1.6, to: 0.8, duration: 200, delay: 0, curve: Curves.linear), Delay(duration: after), ],
The object that the animation executes is Container
Widget makeWave(int before, int after) { return AnimatorSet( child: Container( color: Colors.white, width: 5, height: 15, ), animatorSet: [ Delay(duration: before), SY(from: 0.8, to: 1.6, duration: 200, delay: 0, curve: Curves.linear), SY(from: 1.6, to: 0.8, duration: 200, delay: 0, curve: Curves.linear), Delay(duration: after), ], ); }
3、convert to code
class YYWave extends StatelessWidget { @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Container( width: 40, height: 40, child: Row( mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceBetween, children: <Widget>[ makeWave(0, 500), makeWave(100, 400), makeWave(200, 300), makeWave(300, 200), makeWave(400, 100), makeWave(500, 0), ], ), ); } }
1、Combination of animation
The scaling effect requires scaling both the X and Y axes, uses the Serial Widget
animatorSet: [ Serial( duration: 2000, serialList: [ SX(from: 0.0, to: 1.0, curve: Curves.easeInOut), SY(from: 0.0, to: 1.0, curve: Curves.easeInOut), O(from: 0.5, to: 0.0, delay: 1000, curve: Curves.easeInOut), ], ), ],
2、Time-lapse animations
Deal with the delay attribute when you actually do the animation
class YYThreeLine extends StatelessWidget { @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Container( width: 40, height: 40, child: Row( mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceBetween, children: <Widget>[ makeLine(0), makeLine(50), makeLine(100), ], ), ); } } Widget makeLine(int delay) { return AnimatorSet( child: Container( color: Colors.white, width: 10, height: 5, ), animatorSet: [ TY(from: 0.0, to: 5.0, duration: 400, delay: delay, curve: Curves.fastOutSlowIn,), TY(from: 5.0, to: 0.0, duration: 400, curve: Curves.fastOutSlowIn,), ], ); }
3、Reverse animation
After the animation can be played, set animationtype.reverse
through the animationType property, making the animation play back
class YYFoldMenu extends StatelessWidget { @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Container( width: 40, height: 40, child: Column( mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceBetween, children: <Widget>[ makeFoldMenu(0, 40), makeFoldMenu(100, 26.0), makeFoldMenu(200, 12.0), ], ), ); } } Widget makeFoldMenu(int delay, double toY) { return AnimatorSet( animationType: AnimationType.reverse, child: Container( decoration: BoxDecoration( color: Colors.white, ), width: 30, height: 10, ), animatorSet: [ Serial( duration: 2000, delay: delay, serialList: [ TY(from: 0.0, to: toY, curve: Curves.elasticInOut), SX(from: 1.0, to: 0.1, curve: Curves.elasticInOut), SY(from: 1.0, to: 0.1, curve: Curves.elasticInOut), ], ), ], ); }
- If your application has problems, please submit your code and effect to Issue.
- Pull request are also welcome.
- Contribute your component, and we’ll add it to the animation set
- Or post your animation, if interested, we will help you to achieve
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