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Flutter application into Google Sheets using Google AppScript

???? Flutter ???? to Google Sheets ????

A Demo application that stores User feedback from Flutter application into Google Sheets using Google AppScript.

You can try the Web version of this app here.

???? Introduction

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⚡️ Project Files

What’s Happening? ????

In flutter, when the button is pressed, HTTP GET the request is called on AppScript URL which retrieves parameter from request and then appends row data in Google Sheets. Thus, data from flutter in inserted into Google Sheets.

⚡️ Results

You can run this app on the web here

As you can see, In the first image, When the Submit Feedback button is Clicked then that feedback is stored in Google Sheet as in the Second image. Hurrah!???? thus we have successfully implemented Google Sheets with Flutter.

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Download Flutter application into Google Sheets using Google AppScript Source code on GitHub

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