A collection of simple, bare-bones Flutter apps that each demonstrate a concept
The apps are slowly being updated to Dart 2; be sure to use the –preview-dart-2 flag when running/compiling these examples
- Hello World: one-line Flutter app Updated for Dart 2
- Material Navigation: two screen Flutter that demonstrates navigation using Material
- (2.1) Routing with data: passing data between navigation routes
- TextField: example of a simple single-line text field and a multi-line text field with a submit button
- HTTP: fetching text and images over http
- Layouts: example widget Layouts
- Lists: example list view
- (6.1) Dynamic lists: create a dynamic (infinite) list with dividers
- Stacks: how to render widgets at set positions in a stack
- Inherited Widgets: how to use inherited widgets to pass data down a widget tree
- i18n: simple example of i18n support in Flutter
- Driver Testing: a simple demonstration driver test
- JSON Parsing: parses a JSON network response
- Streams: handle state updates using streams
- (12.1) StreamBuilder: handle state updates using StreamBuilder
- (12.2) RxDart: handle state updates using StreamBuilder with Observables
- (12.3) JSON with Streams: HTTP and JSON parsing using streams
- Bottom Nav Bar: Simple bottom nav bar implementation, using Stack and OffStage
- Custom Painter: implements a basic bar chart using a custom painter
- Tabs: tabbed pages demo
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Provides the list of the opensource Flutter apps collection with GitHub repository.