- Flutter v2.5.0
- Clean Architecture
- Presentation use Bloc
Technical architecture components
- Clean Architecture
- Dart rule analyze: pedantic
- State management: flutter_bloc
- Dependency injection: get_it
- Network: dio
- Unit test: Mockito
flutter clean
flutter pub get
flutter packages pub run build_runner watch
flutter run --flavor development -t lib/main.dev.dart
flutter run --flavor staging -t lib/main.staging.dart
flutter run --flavor product -t lib/main.product.dart
Build Release
- Android:
flutter build apk --flavor development -t lib/main.dev.dart
flutter build apk --flavor staging -t lib/main.staging.dart
flutter build apk --flavor product -t lib/main.product.dart
- iOS:
flutter build ios --flavor development -t lib/main.dev.dart
flutter build ios --flavor staging -t lib/main.staging.dart
flutter build ios --flavor product -t lib/main.product.dart
- https://github.com/ResoCoder/flutter-tdd-clean-architecture-course
- https://geekysingh.medium.com/clean-architecture-for-enterprise-flutter-application-dc254a71059
- https://github.com/trunghieuvn/flutter-clean-architecture
- https://github.com/vantrung8794/flutter_code_base
Download Flutter Clean Architecture source code on GitHub
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