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Flutter exercises developed during the Mobile Development with Flutter

Flutter Exercises – Module 02

In this repository are the exercises proposed in the Mobile Development with Flutter course from Cubos Academy

List 01

In this module, the concepts and exercise of imperative and declarative paradigm, reaction to changes, Hot Reload and Hot Restart were explored.

Exercises done:

  1. Hot reload e Hot Restart;
  2. Change background color ;
  3. Change the font color ;
  4. Change font size ;
  5. Add linear gradient .

List 02

In this module, the concepts and exercise of Widgets were explored; Stateless and Stateful; Column, Row and Container; Expanded, Margin, Stack, Positioned, Align, SizedBox, Image and Padding; Decoration and Compensation.

Exercises done:

Exercisedemo gif
1. Coin counter
2. Reuse of components
3. Cake Recipe
4. Alignments
5. Stone Fragments

List 03

In this module, the concepts and exercises of Themes were explored; Scaffold and AppBar; Card; Classback and GestureDetector; ElevatedButton, IconButton, TextButton; Circular and Linear ProgressIndicator.

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1. Appbar Icon
2. Menu Drawer
3. Navigation Bar
4. Progress Bar
5. Card NFT

List 04

In this module, the BottomNavigationBar concepts and exercises were explored; BottomAppBar; Controller and ChangeNotifier; PageView; TabBar and TabController; TabBarView and Templates; Layout for a Tab.

Exercisedemo gif
1. Tab Fixa

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