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Flutter plugin for forward and reverse geocoding


Forward and reverse geocoding.


Import package:geocoder/geocoder.dart, and use the Geocoder.local to access geocoding services provided by the device system.


import 'package:geocoder/geocoder.dart';

// From a query
final query = "1600 Amphiteatre Parkway, Mountain View";
var addresses = await Geocoder.local.findAddressesFromQuery(query);
var first = addresses.first;
print("${first.featureName} : ${first.coordinates}");

// From coordinates
final coordinates = new Coordinates(1.10, 45.50);
addresses = await Geocoder.local.findAddressesFromCoordinates(coordinates);
first = addresses.first;
print("${first.featureName} : ${first.addressLine}");

You can alternatively use member for requesting distant data from google services instead of native ones.

You will find links to the API docs on the pub page.

Download flutter geocoder plugin source code on GitHub

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