Flutter Sharez 🚀
Flutter Sharez is a modern file-sharing app built using the Flutter framework and powered by Riverpod. This app allows users to effortlessly share and receive files across different platforms. With an intuitive and user-friendly interface, Flutter Sharez redefines the way you share files.
Features 🌟
Cross-Platform: Flutter Sharez is developed using Flutter, ensuring seamless performance and consistent user experience across multiple platforms including iOS, Android, Linux, MacOS, and Windows.
File Sharing: Share files of various formats, such as images, documents, videos, and more, with just a few taps. Receive files from others as well.
User-Friendly Interface: The app features a clean and intuitive interface that makes sharing and receiving files a breeze, even for first-time users.
Theme Options: Flutter Sharez offers a customizable theme experience. Choose between light, dark, or let the app automatically switch based on system preferences.
Riverpod Powered: Flutter Sharez utilizes the Riverpod state management library, enabling efficient and scalable state management throughout the app.
Resumable Downloads: Introduce the ability to resume interrupted or paused downloads, ensuring a seamless download experience even in case of network disruptions.
Screenshots 📸
Sender Screen
Receiver Screen
Installation 🛠️
To get started with Flutter Sharez, follow these steps:
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/Shreemanarjun/flutter_sharez.git
Navigate to the project directory:
cd flutter_sharez
Install dependencies:
flutter pub get
Run the app:
flutter run
For more detailed instructions, troubleshooting, and additional setup options,
Packages Used 📦
ai_barcode_scanner: A barcode scanning package that uses AI to recognize barcodes in images or camera streams.
alfred: A Dart package for server-side management, simplifying tasks such as handling requests, routing, and resource management.
auto_route: A powerful routing package that generates named routes and simplifies navigation in your Flutter app.
dart_jwt_token: A package for working with JSON Web Tokens (JWT) for secure authentication and authorization.
dio: A versatile HTTP client for making network requests, handling responses, and working with interceptors.
dio_smart_retry: An extension for Dio that provides smart retry mechanisms for failed HTTP requests.
file_picker: A package for picking files from various sources, including the device’s storage and cloud services.
flutter_riverpod: A state management library based on Provider, enabling reactive and efficient app state management.
hive_flutter: A lightweight and fast NoSQL database for Flutter, providing local storage capabilities.
lottie: A Flutter package for displaying Lottie animations, adding dynamic and interactive animations to your app.
qr_flutter: A package for generating QR codes as widgets in your Flutter app.
For a complete list of dependencies, including minor packages, please refer to the pubspec.yaml
To-Do Features 📝
Here’s what’s on the horizon for Flutter Sharez:
📂 Already Downloaded File List: Display a list of files already downloaded for easy tracking.
📡 Manual Connections: Empower users to connect with other devices manually, taking charge of the sharing process.
📷 QR Scan: Introduce QR code scanning to swiftly and securely share files.
🌐 Localization Support: Elevate the experience with multi-language support and localization.
Stay tuned as we work on these exciting enhancements!
These are just a few of the exciting features we have in mind. Stay tuned for updates as we continue to enhance Flutter Sharez!
Contributing 🤝
Contributions are welcome! If you encounter any issues or have ideas for enhancements, feel free to create issues or pull requests in this repository.
Getting Started
- Fork the repository.
- Clone the forked repository to your local machine.
- Create a new branch for your changes.
- Make your modifications or additions.
- Commit your changes with descriptive messages.
- Push your changes to your forked repository.
- Create a pull request to the original repository’s
- Follow the project’s coding style and conventions.
- Provide detailed descriptions in your pull requests and issues.
- Be respectful and considerate in discussions.
Your contributions help improve and grow the project!
Contribute and download source code on GitHub
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