Telegram helper bot for @tgtoadbot
1. Copy and edit the .env file
cp .env.sample .env
2. Initialize mongo, add a user for the task scheduler
$ docker-compose up -d mongo
$ docker-compose run mongo bash
$ mongo --host mongo -u root
> use agenda
> db.createUser({user: "agenda", pwd: "agenda", roles: [{role: "readWrite", db: "agenda"}]})
3. Exit the mongo container and start all other services
$ docker-compose up -d
Inline mode
In inline mode, the bot helps to quickly enter the toadbot commands, and also provides useful tips for them.
1. List of scheduled tasks
2. Cancel task
3. Schedule feeding
1. List of scheduled tasks
The command Моё расписание
shows all scheduled tasks.
2. Canceling a task
To cancel one of the tasks, you need to run the command Отменить задачу <ID>
3. Schedule feeding
To schedule a feeding, you need to enter a command in the format Запланировать кормежку hh:mm
or Запланировать пир hh:mm
for premium toads.
After that, the bot will automatically ask you to press the Feed the toad button with an interval of 12 or 6 hours after the last feeding.
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