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Just Audio is a feature-rich audio player


just_audio is a feature-rich audio player for Android, iOS, macOS and web.

Mixing and matching audio plugins

The flutter plugin ecosystem contains a wide variety of useful audio plugins. In order to allow these to work together in a single app, just_audio “just” plays audio. By focusing on a single responsibility, different audio plugins can safely work together without overlapping responsibilities causing runtime conflicts.

Other common audio capabilities are optionally provided by separate plugins:

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read from URL
read from file
read from asset
read from byte stream
request headers
ICY metadata
buffer status/position
set volume/speed
clip audio
compose audio
gapless playback
report player errors
handle phonecall interruptions
buffering/loading options
set pitch
skip silence
volume boost

Experimental features

Simultaneous downloading+caching
Waveform visualizer (See #97)
FFT visualizer (See #97)

Please consider reporting any bugs you encounter here or submitting pull requests here.

Migrating from 0.5.x to 0.6.x

load() and stop() have new behaviours in 0.6.x documented here that provide greater flexibility in how system resources are acquired and released. For a quick migration that maintains 0.5.x behaviour:




final player = AudioPlayer();
var duration = await player.setUrl('');
var duration = await player.setFilePath('/path/to/file.mp3');
var duration = await player.setAsset('path/to/asset.mp3');

Setting the HTTP user agent:

final player = AudioPlayer(
  userAgent: 'myradioapp/1.0 (Linux;Android 11)',


var duration = await player.setUrl('',
    headers: {'header1': 'value1', 'header2': 'value2'});

Standard controls:; // Usually you don't want to wait for playback to finish.
await 10));
await player.pause();

Clipping audio:

await player.setClip(start: Duration(seconds: 10), end: Duration(seconds: 20));
await; // Waits until the clip has finished playing

Adjusting audio:

await player.setSpeed(2.0); // Double speed
await player.setVolume(0.5); // Halve volume

Gapless playlists:

await player.setAudioSource(
    // Start loading next item just before reaching it.
    useLazyPreparation: true, // default
    // Customise the shuffle algorithm.
    shuffleOrder: DefaultShuffleOrder(), // default
    // Specify the items in the playlist.
    children: [
  // Playback will be prepared to start from track1.mp3
  initialIndex: 0, // default
  // Playback will be prepared to start from position zero.
  initialPosition:, // default
await player.seekToNext();
await player.seekToPrevious();
// Jump to the beginning of track3.mp3.
await 0), index: 2);

Looping and shuffling:

await player.setLoopMode(; // no looping (default)
await player.setLoopMode(LoopMode.all); // loop playlist
await player.setLoopMode(; // loop current item
await player.setShuffleModeEnabled(true); // shuffle playlist

Composing audio sources:

  // Loop child 4 times
    count: 4,
    // Play children one after the other
    child: ConcatenatingAudioSource(
      children: [
        // Play a regular media file
        // Play a DASH stream
        // Play an HLS stream
        // Play a segment of the child
          child: ProgressiveAudioSource(Uri.parse("")),
          start: Duration(seconds: 25),
          end: Duration(seconds: 30),

Managing resources:

// Set the audio source but manually load audio at a later point.
await player.setUrl('https://a.b/c.mp3', preload: false);
// Acquire platform decoders and start loading audio.
var duration = await player.load();
// Unload audio and release decoders until needed again.
await player.stop();
// Permanently release decoders/resources used by the player.
await player.dispose();

Catching player errors:

try {
  await player.setUrl("");
} on PlayerException catch (e) {
  // iOS/macOS: maps to NSError.code
  // Android: maps to ExoPlayerException.type
  // Web: maps to MediaError.code
  print("Error code: ${e.code}");
  // iOS/macOS: maps to NSError.localizedDescription
  // Android: maps to ExoPlaybackException.getMessage()
  // Web: a generic message
  print("Error message: ${e.message}");
} on PlayerInterruptedException catch (e) {
  // This call was interrupted since another audio source was loaded or the
  // player was stopped or disposed before this audio source could complete
  // loading.
  print("Connection aborted: ${e.message}");
} catch (e) {
  // Fallback for all errors

Listening to state changes:

player.playerStateStream.listen((state) {
  if (state.playing) ... else ...
  switch (state.processingState) {
    case ProcessingState.idle: ...
    case ProcessingState.loading: ...
    case ProcessingState.buffering: ...
    case ProcessingState.ready: ...
    case ProcessingState.completed: ...

// See also:
// - durationStream
// - positionStream
// - bufferedPositionStream
// - sequenceStateStream
// - sequenceStream
// - currentIndexStream
// - icyMetadataStream
// - playingStream
// - processingStateStream
// - loopModeStream
// - shuffleModeEnabledStream
// - volumeStream
// - speedStream
// - playbackEventStream

The state model

The state of the player consists of two orthogonal states: playing and processingState. The playing state typically maps to the app’s play/pause button and only ever changes in response to direct method calls by the app. By contrast, processingState reflects the state of the underlying audio decoder and can change both in response to method calls by the app and also in response to events occurring asynchronously within the audio processing pipeline. The following diagram depicts the valid state transitions:

This state model provides a flexible way to capture different combinations of states such as playing+buffering vs paused+buffering, and this allows state to be more accurately represented in an app’s UI. It is important to understand that even when playing == true, no sound will actually be audible unless processingState == ready which indicates that the buffers are filled and ready to play. This makes intuitive sense when imagining the playing state as mapping onto an app’s play/pause button:

Apps that wish to react to both orthogonal states through a single combined stream may listen to playerStateStream. This stream will emit events that contain the latest value of both playing and processingState.

Configuring the audio session

If your app uses audio, you should tell the operating system what kind of usage scenario your app has and how your app will interact with other audio apps on the device. Different audio apps often have unique requirements. For example, when a navigator app speaks driving instructions, a music player should duck its audio while a podcast player should pause its audio. Depending on which one of these three apps you are building, you will need to configure your app’s audio settings and callbacks to appropriately handle these interactions.

just_audio will by default choose settings that are appropriate for a music player app which means that it will automatically duck audio when a navigator starts speaking, but should pause when a phone call or another music player starts. If you are building a podcast player or audio book reader, this behaviour would not be appropriate. While the user may be able to comprehend the navigator instructions while ducked music is playing in the background, it would be much more difficult to understand the navigator instructions while simultaneously listening to an audio book or podcast.

You can use the audio_session package to change the default audio session configuration for your app. E.g. for a podcast player, you may use:

final session = await AudioSession.instance;
await session.configure(AudioSessionConfiguration.speech());

Note: If your app uses a number of different audio plugins, e.g. for audio recording, or text to speech, or background audio, it is possible that those plugins may internally override each other’s audio session settings, so it is recommended that you apply your own preferred configuration using audio_session after all other audio plugins have loaded. You may consider asking the developer of each audio plugin you use to provide an option to not overwrite these global settings and allow them be managed externally.

Platform specific configuration


To allow your application to access audio files on the Internet, add the following permission to your AndroidManifest.xml file:

    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>

If you wish to connect to non-HTTPS URLS, also add the following attribute to the application element:

    <application ... android:usesCleartextTraffic="true">

If you need access to the player’s AudioSession ID, you can listen to AudioPlayer.androidAudioSessionIdStream. Note that the AudioSession ID will change whenever you set new AudioAttributes.


Using the default configuration, the App Store will detect that your app uses the AVAudioSession API which includes a microphone API, and for privacy reasons it will ask you to describe your app’s usage of the microphone. If your app does indeed use the microphone, you can describe your usage by editing the Info.plist file as follows:

<string>... explain why the app uses the microphone here ...</string>

But if your app does not use the microphone, you can pass a build option to “compile out” any microphone code so that the App Store won’t ask for the above usage description. To do so, edit your ios/Podfile as follows:

post_install do |installer|
  installer.pods_project.targets.each do |target|
    target.build_configurations.each do |config|
      config.build_settings['GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS'] ||= [

If you wish to connect to non-HTTPS URLS, add the following to your Info.plist file:


The iOS player relies on server headers (e.g. Content-TypeContent-Length and byte range requests) to know how to decode the file and where applicable to report its duration. In the case of files, iOS relies on the file extension.


To allow your macOS application to access audio files on the Internet, add the following to your DebugProfile.entitlements and Release.entitlements files:


If you wish to connect to non-HTTPS URLS, add the following to your Info.plist file:


The macOS player relies on server headers (e.g. Content-TypeContent-Length and byte range requests) to know how to decode the file and where applicable to report its duration. In the case of files, macOS relies on the file extension.

Related plugins

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