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NLW5’s DevQuiz app in Flutter

NLW5 devquiz project on Flutter 



 Vscode plugins

 Project Versions

Versions to download the zip:


In VScode, you can have this childs view of widgets:

To do this, go to the vscode settings and check the option previewFlutterUiGuides:

Together, change the colors of the indentation lines:

Default vscode Dark+ theme:

" workbench.colorCustomizations " : {
         " editorIndentGuide.activeBackground " : " #1e1e1e " ,
         " editorIndentGuide.background " : " #1e1e1e " ,

Dracula Soft Theme:

    "workbench.colorCustomizations": {
        "editorIndentGuide.activeBackground": "#282a36",
        "editorIndentGuide.background": "#282a36",




$ git clone
cd devquiz
code . 

After opening Visual Studio Code, press F5 to compile and run the project.

Download DevQuiz app source code on GitHub
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