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The app you need for Genshin Impact


A Genshin Impact database kinda app

This app is not affiliated with or endorsed by miHoYo. GenshinDb is just a database app for the Genshin Impact game



Before contributing, please ask me if whatever you are planning to do / add / improve is valid for this project.

You can build and run this thing by following these steps:


Currently the app supports English and Spanish (There are some folks working on a French / Russian translation). If you want to help me with the translations, I encourage you to check the following files:

To translate the general one is very simple, create a copy of the file, keeping the keys and translate the values: E.g (in spanish) : “dark” :”Oscuro”

The main one is where you will find all the data for all the weapons, artifacts, etc. To translate this file just create a copy of it and do the following: There is a key called “key” for each character, weapon, etc, and this one does not require a translation, it’s just there for convenience, and the same applies here, just keep the keys and translate the values E.g: if I’m translating “name”: “Normal Attack” to spanish it will look like this: “name”: “Ataque normal”

In this file, there are some translations (mainly for weapons) that look like this: “Increases DMG against enemies affected by Hydro or Pyro by {{0}}%”, The {{x}} is a placeholder and the value shouldn’t be changed, but the position can be changed in the text.

Special Thanks


Translating the app to other languages won’t have been possible without the following contributors

2O48#9733SipTik#8026Brunoff#0261Reniel [Skidex ツ]#7982

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The app you need for Genshin Impact
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