Pet Shop is an e-commerce application built with Flutter

  ecommerce, Shopping

Pet Shop 

Pet Shop is an e-commerce application for Android built with Flutter (iOS to come soon). The goal is to implement the Flutter framework for large scale Android and iOS applications, implementing native platform features like camera accessibility, location reading, biometrics and NFC.

So far, authentication, location reading (implemented through Google Places API) and a couple database (using Firebase) reads and writes have been fully implemented. I also hope to integrate biometrics, payment options etc


  • Provider architecture
  • FirebaseAuth for authentication
  • Firebase Cloud Firestore as backend database
  • Fetched store images from Amazon
  • Location reading service by Google Places API


  1. Clone the repo to your local computer
  2. Make sure you have Flutter and firebase installed.
  3. Please add your google-services.json file.
  4. import the foodProductsJSON/foodProducts.json to your firestore. (see:
  5. The credentials.dart file is intentionaly not included. Create your own credentials file with your own API Keys.
  6. Open and run the the project with VS Code or Android Studio 3.x


Feature requests, issues, pull requests and questions are welcome.

Download Pet Shop app source code on GitHub