Category : grid

flutter_draggable_gridview This package supports drag & drop widgets inside the GridView.builder for multiplatform. It provides all the properties which are available in Gridview.builder and easy to implement with the few lines of code. Draggable GridView. Usage Example Required parameters gridDelegate: A delegate that controls the layout of the children within the GridView. listOfWidgets: This property ..

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Compared to the given ReorderableListView, it is possible to reorder different sizes of widgets with or without animation. Features Use this package in your Flutter App to: Enable a reordering logic with different widgets Simplified widget Works with all kind of widgets that are rendered inside Animated when reordering items Getting started Simply add ReordableGridView to your preferred ..

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uts_181021450006 A new Flutter project. Getting Started This project is a starting point for a Flutter application. A few resources to get you started if this is your first Flutter project: Lab: Write your first Flutter app Cookbook: Useful Flutter samples For help getting started with Flutter, view our online documentation, which offers tutorials, samples, guidance ..

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Short Intro: Flutter 2.0 (Null safety) Basic, Dynamic & Silver style Staggered Grid views made using flutter staggered grid view package. Getting Started This project is a starting point for a Flutter application. A few resources to get you started if this is your first Flutter project: Lab: Write your first Flutter app Cookbook: Useful ..

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waterfall_flow A Flutter grid view easy to build waterfall flow layout quickly. Web demo for WaterfallFlow Language: English | 中文简体 waterfall_flow Use Easy to use CollectGarbage ViewportBuilder LastChildLayoutTypeBuilder CloseToTrailing Use add library to your pubspec.yaml dependencies: waterfall_flow: any import library in dart file import ‘package:waterfall_flow/waterfall_flow.dart’; Easy to use you can define waterfall flow layout within SliverWaterfallFlowDelegate. ..

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flutter_annual_task flutter_annual_task Flutter package for displaying grid view of daily task like Github-Contributions. Example Usage Make sure to check out example project. AnnualTaskView( taskItem // List<AnnualTaskItem> ), Installation Add to pubspec.yaml: dependencies: flutter_annual_task: ^0.1.3 Then import it to your project: import ‘package:flutter_annual_task/flutter_annual_task.dart’; And finally add AnnualTaskView widget in your project. AnnualTaskView( taskItem // List<AnnualTaskItem> ), ..

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Flutter Package: When your desired layout or animation is too complex for Columns and Rows, this widget lets you position/size/rotate/transform its child in complex ways. align_positioned Widgets in this package: AlignPositioned AnimatedAlignPositioned AnimChain Why are these widgets an indispensable tool? When your desired layout feels too complex for Columns and Rows, AlignPositioned is a real ..

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drag_select_grid_view A grid that supports both dragging and tapping to select its items. Basic usage First of all, DragSelectGridView constructor is very similar to GridView.builder, so you should take your time to understand the latter before diving into this library. Once you are familiar with GridView.builder, probably the only additional piece of information you’ll need ..

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