Category : Authentication

flutter-auth-ui 📱 A simple library of predefined widgets to easily and quickly create auth components using Flutter and Supabase. ⚠️ Developer Preview: This is a developer preview and there maybe some breaking changes until we release v1.0.0. Email Auth Use a SupaEmailAuth widget to create an email and password signin/ signup form. You can pass metadataFields to add additional fields to ..

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Flutter Google OAuth An OAuth authentication system built in Flutter using Google OAuth. To run it locally: Generate the .jks file after configuring your Google cloud console and paste it in the android/app/ directory. Make a new file called keystore.config and fill it keys by looking at the keystore.sample.config file. Make a .env file in the root of this project and fill in ..

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Short Intro: Provides the ability to lock the screen on ios and android. Biometric authentication can be used in addition to passcode. This Flutter plugin provides an feature for screen lock. Enter your passcode to unlock the screen. You can also use biometric authentication as an option. Attention A detailed API description will be provided ..

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flutter_auth_MVVM For Server Connection(NodeJs Server) git clone Getting Started This project is a starting point for a Flutter application. A few resources to get you started if this is your first Flutter project: Lab: Write your first Flutter app Cookbook: Useful Flutter samples For help getting started with Flutter, view our online documentation, which offers tutorials, ..

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 Flutter TextBelt API  Flutter app for authentication using Text Belt API  Links   Repo ·  Got Issue  Features Authenticated user with OTP Authenticated user with google Also Generated Code in every 30 Sec  Installation Steps Clone the repository git clone Go into the Project Directory Install dependencies flutter pub get Run the app flutter run/Flutter run –release ..

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visa This is an OAuth 2.0 package that makes it super easy to add third party authentication to flutter apps. It has support for FB, Google, LinkedIn, Discord, Twitch, Github, and Spotify, auth. It also provides support for adding new OAuth providers. You can read this medium article for a brief introduction. Demo Reference Getting Started Basic Usage Get a Provider Authenticate Use AuthData Rejoice! Debugging ..

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ESSE ESSE (Encrypted Symmetrical Session Engine) An open source encrypted peer-to-peer session system would allow data to be sent securely from one terminal to another without going through third-party services. ESSE, stands for Encrypted Symmetrical Session Engine, positioned as an engine. The engine is coded in Rust language based on TDN framework, and the cross-platform user interface is built using Flutter. ..

Read more – Open Source Password Manager for mobile and desktop AuthPass – Password Manager based on Flutter for all platforms. Keepass 2.x (kdbx 3.x) compatible. Mac Desktop: Mac App Store or check the releases Android: Google Play Store or F-Droid iOS: App Store Linux Desktop: Check out our blog post for installation instructions Roadmap/TODOs see also  Read/Decrypt kdbx 3.x using password  Download of ..

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