Category : Input

phone_form_field Flutter phone input integrated with flutter internationalization Features Totally cross platform, this is a dart only package / dependencies Internationalization support, without bloated json with all translations. Phone number validation Extends Flutter’s FormField Uses dart phone_numbers_parser for parsing Demo Demo available at Usage PhoneFormField( initialValue: phoneNumber, autofocus: true, decoration: InputDecoration( labelText: ‘Phone’, border: OutlineInputBorder(), ..

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flutter_rich_input This is a high performance rich media input box, implemented through the native textfield extension, with less disruptive, but at the same time has a strong extensibility, implements the @ someone, # topics, expressions and other functions, support custom color highlighting Language: English | 中文简体 Special feature Use native textfield capabilities with less code, less disruption and ..

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Intl Phone Number Input A simple and customizable flutter package for international phone number input CustomDecoration CustomBorder Default What’s new Features String phoneNumber = ‘+234 500 500 5005’; PhoneNumber number = await PhoneNumber.getRegionInfoFromPhoneNumber(phoneNumber); String parsableNumber = number.parseNumber(); `controller reference`.text = parsableNumber Note onInputChanged(PhoneNumber value) { setState((){}); } Calling setState inside onInputChanged and onInputValidated causes the ..

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