Category : Class

JsonToDart A Dotnet App to create dart class from json, taking null-safety into consideration The dart class extends Serializable base class Here is the Serializable class code import ‘dart:convert’; abstract class Serializable { String serialize() { return json.encode(this.toMap()); } void deserialize(String text) { this.fromMap(json.decode(text)); } //abstract Map<String, dynamic> toMap(); //abstract void fromMap(Map<String, dynamic> map); } Contribute on GitHub FlutterappworldProvides ..

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Dart Sealed Class Generator Short Intro: Dart and Flutter sealed class generator and annotations, with match methods and other utilities. There is also super_enum compatible API. Generate sealed class hierarchy for Dart and Flutter. Features Generate sealed class with abstract super type and data sub-classes. Static factory methods. for example Result.success(data: 0). Cast methods. for example a.asSuccess, a.isSuccess or a.asSuccessOrNull. ..

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Motivation Flutter comes with two classes for manipulating “overlays”: Overlay OverlayEntry But OverlayEntry is very awkward to use. As opposed to most of the framework, OverlayEntry is not a widget (which comes with a nice and clean declarative API). Instead, is uses an imperative API. This comes with a few drawbacks: a widget’s life-cycle (like initState) cannot add/remove synchronously an OverlayEntry.This means the first rendering ..

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