Category : Parser

free_text_search Search a inverted positional index and return ranked references to documents relevant to the search phrase. THIS PACKAGE IS IN BETA DEVELOPMENT AND SUBJECT TO DAILY BREAKING CHANGES. Overview The components of this library: parse a free-text phrase with query modifiers to a query; search the dictionary and postings of a text index for the query terms; perform iterative scoring and ranking of ..

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Phone Number for Flutter PhoneNumber is a Flutter plugin that allows you to parse, validate and format international phone numbers. The plugin uses the native libraries libphonenumber for Android and PhoneNumberKit pod for iOS. Library Version libphonenumber 8.12.32 PhoneNumberKit 3.3.3 Usage Parsing Parse a phone number with region prefix. String springFieldUSASimple = ‘+14175555470’; PhoneNumber phoneNumber = await PhoneNumberUtil().parse(springFieldUSASimple); Parse ..

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Gura Dart parser This repository contains the implementation of a Gura configuration format parser for Dart, written in pure Dart. (Compliant with spec version 1.0.0). Installation Usage Import package:gura/gura.dart and use the [parse()], [parseFile()], or [parseFileSync()] functions to convert your Gura input into a Map<String, dynamic> for use in your code. Examples import ‘package:gura/gura.dart’; final String guraString = ”’ # This ..

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