Category : Barcode

flutter_barcode_keyboard_listener Plugin for managing QR and BAR code reading from an external device. Important THIS PACKAGE WILL WORK ONLY IN ANDROID! Class Name BarcodeListener Variables BarcodeScannedCallback onBarcodeScannedCallback //<- Function(String barcode) Duration bufferDuration bool useKeyDownEvent Example @override void initState() { BarcodeListener( onBarcodeScannedCallback: (String value) => setState(() { print(value); }, ), ); } Installation flutter pub add ..

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barcode  Barcode generation library for Dart that can generate generic drawing operations for any backend. If you are looking to print barcodes, use pub:pdf. If you want to display barcodes in a Flutter application, use pub:barcode_widget. To generate SVG barcodes see the example tab. To generate barcodes in images, use pub:barcode_image. Live example with Flutter Web: They all ..

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