Category : video player

About A mobile video player, reader assistant, image mining workflow and card creation toolkit tailored for language learners. Allows text selection of subtitles for quick lookups and export to Anki with snapshot and audio for uninterrupted language immersion. jidoujisho A mobile video player, reader assistant, image mining workflow and card creation toolkit tailored for language ..

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ZY-Player-TV ZY Player TV app, developed with Flutter 1. Set up the Flutter environment 1.1 Follow the instructions on the page, first install Flutter and Android Studio 1.2 Open Android Studio, open Tools->AVD Manager in turn, and generate a new virtual machine. Here we generate a virtual machine with Android TV, API level=22. Click the play button to ..

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dart_vlc Flutter media playback, broadcast, recording & chromecast library for Windows, Linux & macOS. Written in C++ using libVLC & libVLC++. Installation Flutter dependencies: … dart_vlc: ^0.1.6 Dart CLI dependencies: … dart_vlc_ffi: ^0.1.3 More on Dart CLI implementation here. Feel free to open a new issue or discussion, if you found a bug or need assistance. Support Consider supporting ..

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Better Player Advanced video player based on video_player and Chewie. It’s solves many typical use cases and it’s easy to run. Introduction This plugin is based on Chewie. Chewie is awesome plugin and works well in many cases. Better Player is a continuation of ideas introduced in Chewie. Better player fix common bugs, adds more configuration ..

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VLC Player Plugin A VLC-powered alternative to Flutter’s video_player that supports iOS and Android. Installation iOS For iOS, you need to opt into the Flutter embedded views preview.This is done by adding the following to your project’s <project root>/ios/Runner/Info.plist file (see example for details): <key>io.flutter.embedded_views_preview</key> <true/> If you’re unable to view media loaded from an external source, ..

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Video player plugin edited to fetch subtitles from HLS stream and load SRT from url. video_player-0.10.1-3 Works with for displaying CC button and subtitles Video Player plugin for Flutter A Flutter plugin for iOS and Android for playing back video on a Widget surface. Note: This plugin is still under development, and some APIs might not ..

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streamZ A simple video streaming application made with Dart, JS, HTML, CSS &  Show some  by putting  Recently I wrote an article, explaining how to deploy it using systemd in LAN, which can be found here. what does it do ? A streaming service, intended to run in small network(s) ( may be in your home network ), which lets you stream movies ..

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chewie The video player for Flutter with a heart of gold. The video_player plugin provides low-level access to video playback. Chewie uses the video_player under the hood and wraps it in a friendly Material or Cupertino UI! Demo Installation In your pubspec.yaml file within your Flutter Project: dependencies: chewie: <latest_version> video_player: <latest_version> Use it import ‘package:chewie/chewie.dart’; final videoPlayerController = ‘’); ..

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