Category : Country Code

Country picker A flutter package to select a country from a list of countries. Getting Started Add the package to your pubspec.yaml: country_picker: ^1.0.4 In your dart file, import the library: import ‘package:country_picker/country_picker.dart’; Show country picker using showCountryPicker: showCountryPicker( context: context, showPhoneCode: true, // optional. Shows phone code before the country name. onSelect: (Country country) { ..

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country list pick Flutter plugin to pick country with output name, code, dialcode and flag of country Usage To use this plugin, add country_list_pick as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml. CountryListPick( // to show or hide flag isShowFlag: true, // true to show title country isShowTitle: true, // true to show code phone country isShowCode: true, // to ..

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