A beautiful animated onboarding app


Animated Onboarding

Made with  in India


This flutter app is made just to demonstrate how to we can make an animated onboarding experience that looks beautiful and provides a good user experience as well.

Back to UI and the app. This idea I had in mind for a long time and I was so busy so couldn’t implement it,now here it is. Enjoy 

App Design

Animated Onboarding

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Note : Uploaded apk is a fat apk which works on armeabi-v7a (ARM 32-bit), arm64-v8a (ARM 64-bit), and x86-64 (x86 64-bit). If you want small size apk then please clone this reposittory and generate one using Android Studio or Visual Studio Code.

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Screenshot 1
Screnshsot 2
Screenshot 3

Download Animated Onboarding app source code on GitHub
