A Dart API for the Mastodon network



A Dart API for the Mastodon network. Work in progress.

Mastodon data types

Mastodon endpoints


This package is not production ready.


Create an issue, back it with a PR, and tag an active contributor.

Mock Client

import 'package:mastodon_dart/mastodon_dart.dart';

main() async {
  final mock = MockMastodon();

  /// Hit the endpoints with blank parameters
  mock.account("").then((a) => print(
[a, a.id, a.username, a.avatar, a.followersCount, a.followingCount]

)); /// Get mock data classes for building UIs /// [Instance of ‘Account’, 78056791, onegerbal4511, https://randomuser.me/api/portraits/men/64.jpg, 861, 34] }

Auth’d Client

import 'package:mastodon_dart/mastodon_dart.dart';

main() async {
  final mastodon = Mastodon()
    ..baseUrl = Uri.parse("https://mastodon.technology")
    ..key = "my_awesome_oauth2_key";

  final verify = await mastodon.verifyAppCredentials();

  print([verify.name, verify.website]);

  /// Our oauth2 key is correct! Lets make some real network calls.
  /// [oauth2_client_name, https://oauth2_website.com]

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