A Dart HTTP Client with built-in token refresh

  packages, Packages


A Dart HTTP Client with built-in token refresh.


Fresh is a package which attempts to simplify custom API authentication by integrating token refresh and caching directly into the client. Fresh is flexible and is intended to support custom token refresh mechanisms.


Extend FreshClient

// 1. Specify the Token Type
class MyHttpClient extends FreshClient<OAuth2Token> {
  // 2. Provide an implementation of `TokenStorage`.
  MyHttpClient() : super(InMemoryTokenStorage());

  Future<OAuth2Token> refreshToken(token, client) async {
    // 3. Implement token refresh.

Make Requests

As requests are made, FreshClient will handle managing the token for you. Tokens will be refreshed as needed and requests will be automatically retried pending a successful refresh.

// Use like a normal Http Client.
final httpClient = MyHttpClient();
final response = await httpClient.get(url, headers: headers);


See the example for a complete sample application using fresh which integrates with jsonplaceholder.

Check source code on GitHub
