A Flutter based to do list app


✔️ Flutter to do App “To Do List”

A Flutter app based on the design of the To Do App, created by Rudi Hartono.

Getting Started ????

- Clone the repo
- Install the dependicies
- Run it


The app is based on Rudi’s design:

App preview

The result is:

App preview

Version history

Version Date Comments
1.2 September 23, 2019 Added swipe to delete 1
1.1 September 16, 2019 Set the statusbar to transparent 2
1.0 ~September 2019 Initial release

1 ![Swipe to delete](‘doc/Update swipe to delete.png’)

2 ![Transparent statusbar](‘doc/Update transparent statusbar.png’)


Feel welcome and free to submit issues, pull requests and features to this repo.

Other Flutter Apps

There are other example Apps made with flutter, see more on interestinate.com

Get Flutter To Do List App Source Code on GitHub