A Flutter package for show custom in-app notification

  Push Notification


A Flutter package to show custom in-app notification with any Widgets.

writing_hand Usage

  1. Import it.dependencies: in_app_notification: <latest-version>import ‘package:in_app_notification/in_app_notification.dart’;
  2. Place InAppNotification Widget into your app. return InAppNotification( child: MaterialApp( title: ‘In-App Notification Demo’, home: const HomePage(), ), );
  3. Invoke show() static method of InAppNotification.InAppNotification.show( child: NotificationBody(count: _count), context: context, onTap: () => print(‘Notification tapped!’), );
pub package

world_map Roadmap / Known issue

See Discussions. If you have some idea or proposal, feel free to create new one.

Download in app notification package source code on GitHub