A flutter plugin witch includes platform-specific implementation code for Android and/or iOS to connect and control bluetooth ble device.
Table of Contents
- Install
- Usage
This project is a flutter plugin,so you use it by add dependencies in your pubspec.yaml.
dependencies: flutter: sdk: flutter flutter_blue_elves: ^0.1.2
$ flutter pub get
Import plugin module where you need use.
import 'package:flutter_blue_elves/flutter_blue_elves.dart';
Check bluetooth function is Ok.
///Android: FlutterBlueElves.instance.androidCheckBlueLackWhat().then((values) { if(values.contains(AndroidBluetoothLack.locationPermission)){ ///no location permission } if(values.contains(AndroidBluetoothLack.locationFunction)){ ///location powerOff } if(values.contains(AndroidBluetoothLack.bluetoothFunction)){ ///bluetooth powerOff } }); ///Ios: FlutterBlueElves.instance.iosCheckBluetoothState().then((value) { if(value==IosBluetoothState.unKnown){ ///Bluetooth is not initialized }else if(value==IosBluetoothState.resetting){ ///Bluetooth is resetting }else if(value==IosBluetoothState.unSupport){ ///Bluetooth not support }else if(value==IosBluetoothState.unAuthorized){ ///No give bluetooth permission }else if(value==IosBluetoothState.poweredOff){ ///bluetooth powerOff }else{ ///bluetooth is ok } }
Turn on bluetooth function what bluetooth need.Just for android.
///apply location permission FlutterBlueElves.instance.androidApplyLocationPermission((isOk) { print(isOk ? "User agrees to grant location permission" : "User does not agree to grant location permission"); }); ///turn on location function FlutterBlueElves.instance.androidOpenLocationService((isOk) { print(isOk ? "The user agrees to turn on the positioning function" : "The user does not agree to enable the positioning function"); }); ///turn on bluetooth function FlutterBlueElves.instance.androidOpenBluetoothService((isOk) { print(isOk ? "The user agrees to turn on the Bluetooth function" : "The user does not agrees to turn on the Bluetooth function"); });
Scan bluetooth device not connected.
///start scan,you can set scan timeout FlutterBlueElves.instance.startScan(5000).listen((scanItem) { ///Use the information in the scanned object to filter the devices you want ///if want to connect someone,call scanItem.connect,it will return Device object Device device = scanItem.connect(connectTimeout: 5000); ///you can use this device to listen bluetooth device's state device.stateStream.listen((newState){ ///newState is DeviceState type,include disconnected,disConnecting, connecting,connected, connectTimeout,initiativeDisConnected,destroyed }).onDone(() { ///if scan timeout or you stop scan,will into this }); }); ///stop scan FlutterBlueElves.instance.stopScan();
Discovery device’s bluetooth service.
///use this stream to listen discovery result device.serviceDiscoveryStream.listen((serviceItem) { ///serviceItem type is BleService,is readonly.It include BleCharacteristic and BleDescriptor }); ///to discovery service,witch work in connected device.discoveryService();
Communicate with the device,witch work in connected.
///use this stream to listen data result device.deviceSignalResultStream.listen((result) { ///result type is DeviceSignalResult,is readonly.It have DeviceSignalType attributes,witch include characteristicsRead,characteristicsWrite,characteristicsNotify,descriptorRead,descriptorWrite,unKnown. ///In ios you will accept unKnown,because characteristicsRead is as same as characteristicsNotify for ios.So characteristicsRead or characteristicsNotify will return unKnown. }); ///Read data from device by Characteristic. ///to read,witch work in connected device.readData(serviceUuid,characteristicUuid); ///Write data to device by Characteristic. ///to write,witch work in connected.After my test,i find this isNoResponse is work in ios but not in android. ///In ios if you set isNoResponse,you will not receive data after write,but android will. device.writeData(serviceUuid,characteristicUuid,isNoResponse,data); ///Read data from device by Descriptor. device.devicereadDescriptorData(serviceUuid,characteristicUuid); ///Write data to device by Descriptor. device.writeDescriptorData(serviceUuid,characteristicUuid,data);
Connect&Disconnect Device
///work in disConnected ///This connection method is direct connection, because it has been connected before, so I saved the direct connection object, and I can use this object to connect again device.connect(5000); ///work in connected ///disconnect device device.disConnect();
Destroy Device object
///if you never use this Device Object,call destroy(),witch can save space device.destroy();
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