A fully-featured Last.fm client and scrobbler

  Flutter App, web app


A fully-featured Last.fm client and scrobbler with Shazam-like scrobbling written in Flutter.

The app is available on iOSAndroid, and the web. Note that the web version doesn’t support music recognition.

Check out finale.app for screenshots.

Running the app

To run Finale, you’ll need:

  1. $ git clone https://github.com/nrubin29/finale.git
  2. Rename env-sample.dart in lib/ to env.dart and fill in your keys
  3. $ flutter pub get
  4. $ flutter pub run build_runner build

Running the app on an iOS device

  1. $ cd ios
  2. $ pod install
  3. $ open Runner.xcworkspace
  4. Click on Runner on the left, the Signing & Capabilities, then choose your personal team as the Team
  5. Change the bundle identifier to something unique; you can just append your username
  6. At the top left, choose your device as the target device
  7. Click run!

Download Last.fm client and scrobbler source code on GitHub