A GraphQL client for Flutter


Short Intro: A GraphQL client for Flutter, bringing all the features from a modern GraphQL client to one easy to use package.

GraphQL Flutter

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About this project

GraphQL brings many benefits, both to the client: devices will need fewer requests, and therefore reduce data usage. And to the programmer: requests are arguable, they have the same structure as the request.

This project combines the benefits of GraphQL with the benefits of Streams in Dart to deliver a high-performance client.

The project took inspiration from the Apollo GraphQL client, great work guys!


This is a Monorepo which contains the following packages:



Here are some examples you can follow:

  1. Starwars Example
  2. flutter_bloc example

Articles and Videos

External guides, tutorials, and other resources from the GraphQL Flutter community


white_check_mark   Queries, Mutations, and Subscriptions
white_check_mark   Query polling and rebroadcasting
white_check_mark   In memory and persistent caching
white_check_mark   GraphQL Upload
white_check_mark   Optimistic results
white_check_mark   Modularity
white_check_mark   Client-state management
warning   Automatic Persisted Queries (out of service)

Download GraphQL Flutter source code on GitHub
