A heavily customizable bottom navigation bar

  Animation, Navigation, Navigation bar

Animated Navigation Bar

A Flutter implementation of a customizable navigation bar with animations.

Getting started

Add the following dependency in the pubspec.yaml of your Flutter project :


Import the package :

import 'package:animated_navigation_bar/animatedNavBar.dart';

If you need help getting started with Flutter, head over to the official documentation documentation.


You can create an AnimatedNavBar by calling its constructor and passing a list of AnimatedNavBarPage as your Scaffold body

  body: AnimatedNavBar(
    pages: <AnimatedNavBarPage>[

An AnimatedNavBar requires multiple things:

  • Color, to fill the navigation view and bar with a background color
  • BorderRadius with a radius ranged between 0 and 24
  • And a list of AnimatedNavBarPage as mentioned before with a maximum length of 5 and a minimumm of 1

An AnimatedNavBarPage requires multiple things:

  • Text of the tab bar page
  • An IconData of the tab bar page
  • And a pageContent, this is the page Widget and it can be whatever Widget you want it to be


You can style the AnimatedNavBar with a variety of additional parameters

here’s an example

  backgroundColor: Colors.blue,
  body: AnimatedNavBar(
    borderRadius: Radius.circular(24),
    color: Colors.white,
    padding: 8,
    iconColor: Color(0xFF0D1C2E),
    inactiveIconColor: Color(0xFF233B90),
    backgroundColor: Colors.blue,
    shadow: false,
    textStyle: Theme.of(context).textTheme.headline4,
    pages: [
      // first page
        title: "Home",
        icon: Icons.home,
        inactiveIcon: Icons.home_outlined,
        pageContent: HomePage(),
      // second page
        title: "Map",
        icon: Icons.map,
        inactiveIcon: Icons.map_outlined,
        pageContent: MapPage(),
      // third page
        title: "User",
        icon: Icons.person,
        inactiveIcon: Icons.person_outline,
        pageContent: UserPage(),


Please feel free to contribute to this project

You can fork the project and work on your own version If you found any bug, please open an issue. If you fixed a bug or added a feature, please open a pull request.

Download Bottom Animated Navigation Bar