A library to draw fantastic bar charts race in Flutter

  Chart, Pie chart


The first library to draw fantastic bar charts race in Flutter


Let’s get started

add the dependencies to your app:

  bar_chart_race: ^0.0.4

then import it:
import 'package:bar_chart_race/bar_chart_race.dart';

then you can simply use:

            data: data,
            initialPlayState: true,

this will create a bar chart with random colors and animate it.
the data and initialPlayState are required and here the exmplanation for most of the properties

  • data: the data you are going to show and it should contains at lease two rows and two columns
  • initialPlayState: if it’s true then the bar chart will be animated
  • framesPerSecond: defines the number of frames to show per seconds
  • columnsLabel: represents the name of the columns
  • statesLabel: represents the name of the rows (usually time)
  • numberOfRactanglesToShow: represents the number of the first columns to show
  • title: The title of the bar chart race
  • columnsColor: the color of each rectangle


pull requests are welcome!

Last but not least

the package is still in its first version so it may contains some issues.

Download bar chart race app source code on GitHub