A package help you to make api call and handle error faster, also you can check for internet before call api.
Make your model
BaseModelForHttpSolver is a abstract class, your model should implements
class YourModel implements BaseModelForHttpSolver{}
Get data from your api
getFromApi static method take YourModel
and your Api url
and return Future and it is have some option parameter checkInternet
, headers
for Api.
YourModel dataInModel = await HttpSolver.getFromApi(YourModel(), apiUrl, checkInternet: true);
Post to api
getFromApi static method take YourModel
and your Api url
and return Future and it is have some option parameter checkInternet
, headers
for Api.
YourModel dataInModel = await HttpSolver.postToApi(YourModel(), apiUrl,body: body , checkInternet: true);
convert model to either
toEither() extension on Future to handle all error and return Either<Failure, YourModel>
Future<YourModel> dataInModel = HttpSolver.getFromApi(YourModel(), apiUrl, checkInternet: true); Either<Failure, YourModel> modelOrError= dataInModel.toEither();
Using Either With UI
modelOrError.fold((failure) => Text("${failure.message}"), //if has error show Text with failure message (model) => Text(post.title)), //else show Text data
Full Example
import 'dart:collection'; import 'dart:convert'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:http_solver/http_solver.dart'; void main() => runApp(MyApp()); class MyApp extends StatelessWidget { @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return MaterialApp( home: HomePage(), ); } } class HomePage extends StatefulWidget { Either<Failure, Post> _data; final url = ""; @override _HomePageState createState() => _HomePageState(); } class _HomePageState extends State<HomePage> { @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Scaffold( floatingActionButton: FloatingActionButton(onPressed: _getEither, child: Text('Get')), body: Center( child: (widget._data == null) ? Text('No Data Yet') : widget._data.fold((failure) => Text("${failure.message}"), (post) => Text(post.title)), )); } void _getEither() async { widget._data = await HttpSolver.getFromApi(Post(), widget.url, checkInternet: true).toEither(); setState(() {}); } } class Post implements BaseModelForHttpSolver { final int id; final int userId; final String title; final String body; Post({, this.userId, this.title, this.body, }); Post fromJson(String source) { Map<String, dynamic> jsonData = (json.decode(source)); if (jsonData == null) return null; return Post( id: jsonData['id'], userId: jsonData['userId'], title: jsonData['title'], body: jsonData['body'], ); } @override Map<String, dynamic> toJson() { final Map<String, dynamic> data = HashMap<String, dynamic>(); data['id'] =; data['userId'] = this.userId; data['title'] = this.title; data['body'] = this.body; return data; } }
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