a ready-to-go architecture for flavors, bloc, device settings, json serialization and connectivity

  BLoC, Json, packages, Packages

Flutter Ready to Go

A Flutter repo with a ready-to-go architecture containing flavors, bloc, device settings, json serialization and connectivity.

Why not just fork it and start a new project with some setup done?

There is a full article explaining each one of the following subjects:

  1. Flavors
  2. Flavors in Dart
  3. Visually identifying each flavor
  4. Identifying device info with the Banner
  5. Flavors in Android
  6. App icons based on flavor
  7. App name based on flavor
  8. Running flavors with the IDE
  9. Using flavor values
  10. Controlling connection errors



  •  Flavoring Android
  •  Personalized flavor Banner
  •  Device Info
  •  Package structure
  •  Bloc, Repository, ApiProvider
  •  Handling connectivity problems
  •  Flavoring iOS
  •  Complete authentication flow

Download Flutter Ready to Go Package source code on GitHub
