Flutter Animations Gallery
This project is a showcase of the most common Flutter animation APIs.
Also available as a Flutter web demo.
- Curves: a showcase of all built-in Flutter animation curves
- Themes: primary color theme selection (red, indigo, green, brown)
- Duration: slider to set the duration of various animations in the app
Implicit Animations
- AnimatedContainer
- AnimatedPositioned
- TweenAnimationBuilder
Explicit Animations
- ScaleTransition
- RotationTransition
- Staggered Animations
- Animated Ring (
Other Features
- Adaptive UI: Drawer navigation on mobile portrait, split view on mobile landscape or bigger form factors
- Global application state with Riverpod (selected curve, theme, duration)
Note: I may expand this to include more examples in the future. Contributions and PRs are welcome.
Contribution on GitHub
Provides the list of the opensource Flutter apps collection with GitHub repository.