An open-source pubic transport app


This is an open-source public transport app packed with cool features sunglasses

Try it out

apple iOSGet on Testflight
robot AndroidDownload the latest APK
globe_with_meridians Web (BETA)Try the Web version

star2 Features

motorway A beautiful route search and view.

page_with_curl A simple but powerfull timetable.

robot AI-powered smart suggestions.

infinity Open-source, add your own country to the app!

 See screenshots here



If you want to contribute, fork the repository and create a pull-request with your new feature, and make sure to:

  • Describe it well
  • Include necessary tests
  • Follow the coding style

I want to contribute but I don’t know how

Here is a non-exhaustive list of things that could be improved with their respective subject.

Note: Before trying to contribute, I strongly recommend you try using the app for a few so you get a general understanding of its structure and general functionning.

iphone UI

  • Improve widgets, opr application design. To navigate through the app files, the folder structure is similar to the app navigation structure.
    • Example:
      • The widget that displays different routes in the route tab: lib/tabs/routes/route_tile.dart
      • The pages folder is for individual pages or pages not directly related to one of the 3 main tabs.

white_flag Foreign language knowledge

  • Add a new locale:
    •  gb English
    •  fr French
    •  from German
    •  it Italian (Probably innacurate)

earth_africa Familiar with REST APIs ?

  • Add your contry’s public transport API:
    •  switzerland Switzerland
    •  fr France (40%)

👨🏼‍💻 General good programming knowledge

robot Android

  • Implement the skeleton of a homescreen widget on Android.

👨🏼‍🔬 Machine learning

  • Propose or implement a new prediction model to predict new routes bassed on the history. See here.


Itinerary search
Itinerary view
Suggestion in search bar

Contribute to open-source pubic transport app on GitHub