Basic Dart reverse shell based on this one by Potato-Industries. Pretty self explanatory.
You’ll need Windows. I used a Windows 7 64-bit VM. From there:
- Install the Dart SDK from dart.dev via the instructions (using Chocolately is easiest)
- OPTIONAL: Install Visual Studio Community to get ‘editbin.exe’ so you can modify your Dart shell binary to run silently. Install the “Desktop Development with C++” package when prompted.
- Grab rs.dart from this repo
- Modify the host and port to a value that suits you
- Open a command prompt and compile the binary with dart2native:
- To stop the binary executing with a persistent black command window in the foreground, use editbin.exe from your Visual Studio install to hide it (optional):
- Transfer the binary to the target system, set up a listener on the box you configured and give it a crack.
It’s not awesome right now – lots of cleanup to do (for example, every command sent spawns a new powershell process…), will get to that at some point.
Download Dart reverse shell code source code on GitHub
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