Category : Analytics

Dart/Flutter package analyzer This action uses the pana (Package ANAlysis) package to compute the score that your Dart or Flutter package will have on the Pub site. This package, amongst other things: validates the code by performing static analysis with dartanalyzer, checks code formatting with dartfmt or flutter format (detected automatically), checks for outdated dependencies, validates the pubspec.yaml file (dependencies, description’s length…), checks for required ..

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analytics_events_gen An easy generator for tracking firebase analytics events via type safe methods. Add to pubspec.yaml Check pub for the latest version:  dependencies: # … analytics_event_gen: 0.1.0 dev_dependencies: # include build_runner, only used for code generation. build_runner: ^1.6.5 Create AnalyticsEvents class: // analytics.dart import ‘package:analytics_event_gen/analytics_event_gen.dart’; // this file will be generated. part ‘analytics.g.dart’; class MyAnalyticsBloc ..

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Health Performance Monitor UI Health Performance Monitor ui design in a neomorphism effect built using Flutter. Show some  and star the repo, it makes me to share more open source flutter projects. Download Health Performance Monitor ui source code on GitHub FlutterappworldProvides the list of the opensource Flutter apps collection with GitHub repository. flutterapp..

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Dart Code Metrics Note: you can find the full documentation on the website Configuration | Rules | Metrics | Anti-patterns Dart Code Metrics is a static analysis tool that helps you analyse and improve your code quality. Reports code metrics Provides additional rules for the dart analyzer Checks for anti-patterns Checks unused *.dart files Can be used as CLI, analyzer plugin or library Links See for major/breaking updates, and releases for a detailed version history. To ..

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A library for analyzing Dart packages. It invokes executables from the Dart SDK (or from the Flutter SDK if the package uses Flutter). Reports are created in the following categories: Follow Dart conventions Provide documentation Support multiple platforms Pass static analysis Support up-to-date dependencies Used by the Dart Package site. Use as an executable Installation > ..

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flutter_pure_mixpanel A pure Dart library for Mixpanel analytics. Running Tests This library has Flutter as a dependency for easier testability. The tests are true end to end tests, using a real Mixpanel account and API token that anyone is free to use. I decided against mocking the API for now to keep the codebase simple. Features Event tracking ..

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A wrapper around Google Analytics for command-line, web, and Flutter apps. For web apps To use this library as a web app, import the usage_html.dart library and instantiate the AnalyticsHtml class. For Flutter apps Flutter applications can use the AnalyticsIO version of this library. They will need to specify the documents directory in the constructor in order to tell the library ..

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