Category : Floating

Floating Ribbon A new Flutter package for creating floating ribbons on images. Dependency How To Use In order to achieve the shimmering effect, you need to add a package in pubspec.yaml. The code to reproduce it, import ‘package:skeleton_text/skeleton_text.dart’; import ‘package:floating_ribbon/floating_ribbon.dart’; FloatingRibbon( height: 85, width: 85, childHeight: 75, childWidth: 75, child: Padding( padding: const EdgeInsets.all(8.0), child: ..

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ffloat FFloat, although simple and easy to use, can satisfy all your imagination of the floating layer. Born and elegant, supporting precise position control. Triangles with rounded corners, borders, gradients, shadows? Everything you need .️ Author:Newton( English | 简体中文 Like it? Please cast your Star  !  Features Supports floating layer position control based on anchor elements Convenient floating layer show / hide ..

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FAB Circular Menu A Flutter package to create a nice circular menu using a Floating Action Button. Inspired by Mayur Kshirsagar‘s great FAB Microinteraction design. Getting started Wrap your content with FabCircularMenu and set your desired options: MaterialApp( home: Scaffold( body: FabCircularMenu( child: Placeholder(), // Replace this with your content options: <Widget>[ IconButton(icon: Icon(Icons.home), onPressed: ..

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