Category : Collection

cupertinew  Experimental and work in progress  A collection of pixel-perfect iOS-styled components and properties for Flutter, following the official guidelines. About the Cupertinew project Last updated: 2021-09-28 Reasoning Cupertinew is a Flutter project that spawned out of a desire to create a set of pixel-perfect iOS-styled components and properties for Flutter. While support for widgets ..

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Gobook Gobook is a golang boilerplate with web framework Gin & Gorm ORM. Features:  MVC Pattern  Login, Register, Logout & Profile System  Middleware System with JWT and UniqueKey  Paginations Request  Example Books CRUD  Support with MySQL  Validator System  Relation Has One  Env Configurations  Helper Command  ORM Features  Auto Generated Code  Support MySQL & PostgreSQL Installing ..

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Awesome Flutter Snippets Awesome Flutter Snippets is a collection of commonly used Flutter classes and methods. It increases your speed of development by eliminating most of the boilerplate code associated with creating a widget. Widgets such as StreamBuilder and SingleChildScrollView can be created by typing the shortcut streamBldr and singleChildSV respectively.  Features Speeds up development Eliminates boilerplate Supports complex widgets (Eg: Custom Clipper ..

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