Chaleno A flutter package to webscraping data from websites This package contains a set of high-level functions that make it easy to webscrap websites. It’s multi-platform, and supports mobile, desktop, and the web. Usage Webscraping any data from website, this package give you this power from the easely way Instance Chaleno classe var parser = ..
Category : Packages
Flutter Password Validator Flutter Password Validator package helps you to validate sign-in user-entered passwords with your rules. How to use 1- Depend on it Add it to your package’s pubspec.yaml file: dependencies: flutter_pw_validator: ^1.2.1 2- Install it Install packages from the command line: flutter pub get 3- Usage First You have to import the file: ..
City Picker From Map A flutter package for select a city from svg map. Supported countries (+150) are here. Screenshots Getting Started In the pubspec.yaml of your Flutter project, add the following dependency: dependencies: … city_picker_from_map: any In your library file add the following import: import ‘package:city_picker_from_map/city_picker_from_map.dart’; Usage CityPickerMap( width: double.infinity, height: double.infinity, map: Maps.TURKEY, onChanged: (city) { setState(() { ..
drop_zone A simple way to bring drag’n’drop to flutter web. drop_zone is commonly used for file choosing by dragging and dropping a file(s) onto a designated widget. The user can then use the dropped html file(s). Example An example can be found in the example directory of this repository. How to use Add drop_zone to pubspec.yaml of your project: ..
Multiavatar Flutter Wrapper for Multiavatar Multiavatar is a multicultural avatar maker. Multiavatar represents people from multiple races, multiple cultures, multiple age groups, multiple worldviews and walks of life. In total, it is possible to generate 12,230,590,464 unique avatars. Installation and usage Add multiavatar to your pubspec: dependencies: multiavatar: any # or the latest version on Pub var svgCode = ..
dashed_line Draw dashed lines with any shape and style you want. Just like that. Usage Add the dependency to your pubspec.yaml (you can see the newest version in the pub badge): dependencies: dashed_line: ^0.1.0 Use the widget: import ‘package:dashed_line/dashed_line.dart’; // … DashedLine( path: Path()..cubicTo(-40, 53, 14, 86, 61, 102), color:, ) …you can also use the ..
Enhanced pub package commands. Add latest resolvable package Remove dependency View package info Like/unlike/view liked packages Improved conflict resolution (soon) View unused dependencies Installation pub activate global pkg Usage Add Easily add packages to your pubspec. By default pkg will try to resolve to the latest compatible version of the package to add to your project. pkg add ..
georange Georange is a package that helps with encoding geohashes, decoding geohashes,calculating distance between 2 points and generating latitudinal and longitudinal ranges as geohashes to help with the querying of databases (Tested on Firestore Only). Getting Started You should ensure that you add Georange as a dependency in your flutter project. dependencies: georange: <latest-version> You ..
moor_db_viewer This package allows us to view our database in our development app without the need of exporting your database file. Filtering is done at database level Example Setup Add dependency to pubspec Use it Push a new route. The child will be the MoorDbViewer and pass your database to this screen. Moor Config Using named columns ..
linkfy_text A lightweight flutter package that linkifies a text containing urls, emails and hashtag like twitter does. Usage To use this package, add linkfy_text as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file. Example: // first import the package import ‘package:linkfy_text/linkify_text.dart’; Container( child: LinkifyText( “This text contains a url:”, linkStyle: TextStyle(color:, fontSize: 16), onTap: (link) { /// do ..
Flutter_Cart A flutter package for make your life easy. This package is used for maintaining a cart. Usage It is recommended to use any State Management. i.e:- Provider, Redux etc To use this plugin, add flutter_cart as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file. Getting Started first create an instance of flutter cart package. After getting the instance, we ..
json_cache Json Cache is an object-oriented package to serve as a layer on top of local storage packages – packages that persist data locally on the user’s device -, unifying them as an elegant cache API. In addition, this package gives the programmer great flexibility; it provides a set of classes that can be selected and ..
A persian (farsi,shamsi) datetime picker for flutter, inspired by material datetime picker. Persian datetime picker inspired by material datetime picker and based on shamsi_date. Usage Add it to your pubspec.yaml file: dependencies: persian_datetime_picker: version In your library add the following import: import ‘package:persian_datetime_picker/persian_datetime_picker.dart’; Here is many examples how to use: /////////////////////////Example 1//////////////////////////// Jalali picked = await ..
native_updater Flutter package for prompting users to update with a native dialog whether using the app store version or any version at the user’s discretion. When a latest app version is available via user defined logic, a simple alert prompt widget is displayed. With today’s modern app stores, there is little need to persuade users ..
Official Flutter packages for Stream Activity Feeds The official Dart client for Stream Activity Feeds, a service for building activity feed applications. This library can be used on any Dart project and on both mobile and web apps with Flutter. You can sign up for a Stream account at Quick Links Register to get an API key ..
About This package allows you to draw dotted lines with Flutter. Usage Parameter Default Description direction Axis.horizontal The direction of the entire dotted line. lineLength double.infinity The length of the entire dotted line. lineThickness 1.0 The thickness of the entire dotted line. dashLength 4.0 The length of the dash. dashColor The color of the ..
Custom Splash Screen A Flutter package to custom splash screen: change logo icon, logo animation, and splash screen background color. (Custom from animated splash screen) Using the package Get the library Things to do Get a logo for your app Prepare what to execute while the splash screen is shown (initializing your db, shared preferences, ..
A Flutter package for trimming videos Features Customizable video trimmer Video playback control Retrieving and storing video file Also, supports conversion to GIF. TRIM EDITOR EXAMPLE APP CUSTOMIZABLE VIDEO EDITOR Usage Add the dependency video_trimmer to your pubspec.yaml file. Android Go to <project root>/android/app/build.gradle and set the proper minSdkVersion, 24 for Main Release or 16 for LTS Release.Refer to the FFmpeg Release section.minSdkVersion <version> Go to <project root>/android/build.gradle and add the following line:ext.flutterFFmpegPackage = ..
Short intro: A routing package that lets you navigate through guarded page stacks and URLs using the Router and Navigator’s Pages API, aka “Navigator 2.0”. Handle your application routing, synchronize it with browser URL and more. Beamer uses the power of Navigator 2.0 API and implements all the underlying logic for you. Key Concepts Beaming ..
Sentry SDK for Flutter This package includes support to native crashes through Sentry’s native SDKs: (Android and iOS). It will capture errors in the native layer, including (Java/Kotlin/C/C++ for Android and Objective-C/Swift for iOS). Usage Sign up for a account and get a DSN at Follow the installing instructions on Initialize the Sentry SDK using the ..
Introduction A Vector math library for 2D and 3D applications. Features 2D, 3D, and 4D vector and matrix types. Quaternion type for animating rotations. Collision detection: AABB, rays, spheres, … Utilities like color and common rendering related operations Flexible getters and setters, for example, position.xwz = color.grb;. Fully documented. Well tested. Heavily optimized. Libraries using vector_math ..
image_painter A flutter implementation of painting over image. Overview Features Seven available paint modes. Line, Box/Rectangle, Circle, Freestyle/Signature, Dotted Line, Arrow and Text. Four constructors for adding image from Network Url, Asset Image, Image from file and from memory. Controls from constructors like strokeWidth and Colors. Export image as memory bytes which can be converted ..
Flutter Flows made easy! Usage Define a Flow State The flow state will be the state which drives the flow. Each time this state changes, a new navigation stack will be generated based on the new flow state. Flutter Flows made easy! A Flutter package which simplifies flows with a flexible, declarative API. class Profile ..
flutter_icons Customizable Icons for Flutter,Inspired by react-native-vector-icons Notice v1.0.0 has major Api changes, please be careful to upgrade icon names that begin with a number are preceded by a $prefix icon named with the dart keyword have the _ suffix added Bundled Icon Sets Browse all. AntDesign by AntFinance (297 icons) Entypo by Daniel Bruce (411 icons) EvilIcons by Alexander Madyankin & Roman Shamin (v1.10.1, 70 icons) ..
Agora Flutter Quickstart This tutorial describes how to create an Agora account and build a sample app with Agora using Flutter. Prerequisites Developer Account Flutter 1.0.0 Quick Start This repository shows you how to use Agora Flutter SDK to build a simple video call app. It demonstrates you how to: Join / leave a channel Mute / ..
Bubble Tab Indicator A Flutter library to add bubble tab indicator to TabBar. Getting Started Add package from github by adding the following to your pubspec.yaml, pub publication is added later. Import the library in your file: Use the BubbleTabIndicator like this: Download Bubble Tab Indicator source code on GitHub FlutterappworldProvides the list of ..
Flutter: screenshot testing as a solid UI regression tool. Golden Toolkit This project contains APIs and utilities that build upon Flutter’s Golden test functionality to provide powerful UI regression tests. It is highly recommended to look at sample tests here: golden_builder_test.dart Table of Contents Golden Toolkit Table of Contents Key Features GoldenBuilder DeviceBuilder multiScreenGolden Getting Started Setup Add ..
double_back_to_close_app A Flutter package that allows Android users to press the back-button twice to close the app. Usage Inside a Scaffold that wraps all your Widgets, place the DoubleBackToCloseApp passing a SnackBar: class MyApp extends StatelessWidget { @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return MaterialApp( home: Scaffold( body: DoubleBackToCloseApp( child: Home(), snackBar: const SnackBar( content: Text(‘Tap back again to leave’), ), ..
FlexColorScheme FlexColorScheme helps you make beautiful color scheme based Flutter themes, with optional primary color branding on surfaces. The created themes are based on the same concept as Flutter’s ColorScheme based themes, but with a few interesting twists and convenience features. For more information about FlexColorScheme, its background and use cases, this package companion blog post and article is ..
Sysnavbar with FlexColorScheme Transparent Android system navigation bar with Flutter and FlexColorScheme. About this Example This an extra Android companion example to the Flutter package FlexColorScheme. It is a slight modification of example nr 5 bundled with the package and shows how FlexColorScheme can be used to make a transparent system navigation bar in Flutter Android ..
Flutter Input Widgets – Standalone or within a Form → flutter_input This package provides input widgets (fields) to manipulate data. The data to manipulate is either a single variable or an entry in a map. The map can even be nested. Parameter path defines the key to access the entry in the map. To access an entry in a ..
The official BottomAppBar can only display a notch FAB with app bar, sometimes we need a convex FAB. This ConvexAppBar is inspired by BottomAppBar and NotchShape’s implementation. Online example can be found at convex_bottom_bar is now a Flutter Favorite package! Here are some supported style: fixed react badge chip fixedCircle reactCircle flip textIn titled tab image button ..
flutter_unicons 1000+ Pixel-perfect svg unicons for your next flutter project ispired by Unicons and vue-unicons Demo Download the gallery app using google drive or get the apks here . Installation Add dependency to your pubspec.yaml dependencies: flutter_unicons: 0.0.1 Usage import ‘package:flutter_unicons/flutter_unicons.dart’; class Demo extends StatelessWidget{ @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return SafeArea( child: Column( children: [ Unicon(UniconData.uniLayerGroup), Unicon(UniconData.uniCommentAlt) ] ) ); } } ..
Short Intro: It’s OK to love Flutter and hate hand-coding design elements. Parabeac-Core converts design files into Flutter code. Parabeac-Core Parabeac-Core is an open-source repository that converts design files into Flutter code. · Designer Protocol · Understanding the code export · Contribute · Community · Special Shout out if you’re here for #HacktoberFest! Double your swag by contributing to Parabeac as one of ..
IntroViews is inspired by Paper Onboarding and developed with love from scratch. I decided to rewrite almost all the features in order to make it available to the flutter developers and as extensible as possible. Table of contents Features Getting Started Usage Documentation PageViewModel Class IntroViewFlutter Class Bugs or Requests Donate Contributors License Features Easy addition of pages. Circular page reveal. ..
sliver_tools A set of useful sliver tools that are missing from the flutter framework. Here is a taste what you can make using this package The structure of this app: class Section extends State { @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return MultiSliver( pushPinnedChildren: true, children: <Widget>[ SliverPersistentHeader( pinned: true, … ), if (!infinite) SliverAnimatedPaintExtent( child: ..
Flip Panel A package for flip panel with built-in animation How to use import ‘package:flip_panel/flip_panel.dart’; Create a flip panel from iterable source: final digits = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]; FlipPanel.builder( itemBuilder: (context, index) => Container( color:, padding: const EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 6.0), child: Text( ‘${digits[index]}’, style: TextStyle( fontWeight: FontWeight.bold, fontSize: ..
PatternFormatter A Flutter package provides some implementations of TextInputFormatter that format input with pre-defined patterns How to use import ‘package:pattern_formatter/pattern_formatter.dart’; Thousands grouping Integer number: TextField( keyboardType: TextInputType.number, inputFormatters: [ ThousandsFormatter() ], ) Decimal number: TextField( keyboardType: TextInputType.number, inputFormatters: [ ThousandsFormatter(allowFraction: true) ], ) Card number grouping TextField( keyboardType: TextInputType.number, inputFormatters: [ CreditCardFormatter(), ], ) Date ..
Shimmer A package provides an easy way to add shimmer effect in Flutter project How to use import ‘package:shimmer/shimmer.dart’; SizedBox( width: 200.0, height: 100.0, child: Shimmer.fromColors( baseColor:, highlightColor: Colors.yellow, child: Text( ‘Shimmer’, textAlign:, style: TextStyle( fontSize: 40.0, fontWeight: FontWeight.bold, ), ), ), ); Download Flutter Shimmer Plugin source code on GitHub Get Shimmer ..
Approximate how your app looks and performs on another device. Features Preview any device from any device Change device orientation Dynamic system configuration: language, dark mode, text scaling factor Freeform device with adjustable resolution and safe areas Keep the application state Take screenshots Quickstart Wrap your app’s root widget in a DevicePreview and inject the dedicated builder and locale into your ..