skeleton_text A package provides an easy way to add skeleton text loading animation in Flutter project Dependency How To Use To achieve the above example animation use the following code : Explanation I have created a List builder of 10 Containers. Wrapping any widget by SkeletonAnimation would give a beautiful loading animation. SkeletonAnimation Constructor : ..
Category : Packages
Functional batteries for Dart programming language. Provides an implementation of Optional, Either and other types + some helper functions. Usage A simple usage example: import ‘package:built_value/built_value.dart’; import ‘package:dfunc/dfunc.dart’; part ‘main.g.dart’; void main() { final items = [‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’]; print(‘mapped: ${mapIndexed((i, e) => ‘$e$i’, items)}’); // Sealed classes generation: final Base item = Item1((b) => ..
Unofficial wrapper for using Rapid7 insightOps logs (former LogEntries) with Dart. This package is using logging package to do the actual logging, and implements a handler to post the message to insightOps. Setting up Set up a new log by following the instructions, copy a URL that you will use to send your log data to. Usage A ..
Languages: English, Brazilian Portuguese. Get is an extra-light and powerful library for Flutter that will give you superpowers and increase your productivity. Navigate without context, open dialogs, snackbars or bottomsheets from anywhere in your code, Manage states and inject dependencies in an easy and practical way! Get is secure, stable, up-to-date, and offers a huge range of ..
Package for Ant Icons An icon is a graphical representation of meaning. Icons can be used to express actions, state, and even to categorize data. Ant Design’s icons adhere to the following two principles and are designed for cross-platform consistency: Graphics that are clear, intuitive, and simple enjoy a higher degree of recognition and are more easily ..
Pagination in Firestore Setup Use the same setup used for cloud_firestore package (or follow this). Usage In your pubspec.yaml dependencies: paginate_firestore: ^0.1.0 Import it import ‘package:paginate_firestore/paginate_firestore.dart’; Implement it PaginateFirestore( itemBuilder: (context, documentSnapshot) => ListTile( leading: CircleAvatar(child: Icon(Icons.person)), title: Text([‘name’]), subtitle: Text(documentSnapshot.documentID), ), // orderBy is compulsary to enable pagination query: Firestore.instance.collection(‘users’).orderBy(‘name’), ) Contributions Feel free to contribute to ..
PaginationView Installing In your pubspec.yaml dependencies: pagination_view: ^1.0.1 import ‘package:pagination_view/pagination_view.dart’; Basic Usage PaginationView<User>( preloadedItems: <User>[ User(,, User(,, ], itemBuilder: (BuildContext context, User user, int index) => ListTile( title: Text(, subtitle: Text(, leading: IconButton( icon: Icon(Icons.person), onPressed: () => null, ), ), paginationViewType: PaginationViewType.listView // optional pageFetch: pageFetch, onError: (dynamic error) => Center( child: ..
With cupertino_setting_control you can create a settings page or a simple form very easy. Therefore, cupertino_setting_control offers multiple Cupertino-Widgets which can be used very flexible and abstracted. Quick Usage A few examples: Example for a drop down widget displayed as text field: new SettingRow( rowData: SettingsDropDownConfig( title: ‘Search Area’, initialKey: _searchAreaResult, choices: { ‘Germany’: ‘Germany’, ..
Cupertino buttons which are used as radio buttons in order to select one value. Tutorial A complete tutorial how to use CupertinoRadioChoice can be found here: Tutorial Quick Usage Just fill the required parameters of CupertinoRadioChoice and you’re ready to go, e.g.: CupertinoRadioChoice( choices: {‘male’ : ‘Male’, ‘female’ : ‘Female’, ‘other’: ‘Other’}, onChange: (selectedGender) {}, initialKeyValue: ‘male’) Please refer to ..
Flutter Firebase Picture Uploader This library offers a Picture Upload widget which can be used to upload one or multiple images to your Firebase Storage. With this library the following is possible: Upload one or multiple images via PictureUploadWidget Delete images via PictureUploadWidget Multiple customization options (font size, text, color, etc.) Custom upload or download methods possible ..
Flutter Bidirectional ListView ListView with items that can be scrolled in both directions with a fixed item count and scroll boundaries. With this library the following is possible: ListView can be scrolled in up (negative indices) and down (positive indices) direction Lazy loading is possible for up and down direction Scroll boundaries for top and ..
country list pick Flutter plugin to pick country with output name, code, dialcode and flag of country Usage To use this plugin, add country_list_pick as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml. CountryListPick( // to show or hide flag isShowFlag: true, // true to show title country isShowTitle: true, // true to show code phone country isShowCode: true, // to ..
http_services A package to support the creation of Http services in a Dart application. Features convenient methods to perform HTTP requests disposing a service will cleanup any pending requests, in order to avoid unwanted resources waste! convenient models to have a standard for request and response objects RequestBase Every request should extend RequestBase and implement its overrides: ..
toml_localizations A minimal TOML localization package for Flutter. Usage See example. Install Add to your pubspec.yaml dependencies: toml_localizations: Add a TOML file per language Add a TOML file per language you support in an asset path and describe it in your pubspec.yaml flutter: assets: – {path}/{languageCode}.toml Example TOML file str = “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.” literal_str = ..
Intl Phone Number Input A simple and customizable flutter package for international phone number input CustomDecoration CustomBorder Default What’s new Features String phoneNumber = ‘+234 500 500 5005’; PhoneNumber number = await PhoneNumber.getRegionInfoFromPhoneNumber(phoneNumber); String parsableNumber = number.parseNumber(); `controller reference`.text = parsableNumber Note onInputChanged(PhoneNumber value) { setState((){}); } Calling setState inside onInputChanged and onInputValidated causes the ..
Info: Observable Pattern is a pattern that use a class to hold a value to manage changes to dispatch notification for every streams. Observable Pattern Observable class //This is how initialize the observable class that holds a value and listen to changes and automatically close it’s stream inside Observer Widget. //you don’t need to pass ..
cupertino_back_gesture A Flutter package to set custom width of iOS back swipe gesture area. Usage To use this package, add cupertino_back_gesture as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file. Example To change width of area where the user can start back swipe for the whole app Wrap your MaterialApp with BackGestureWidthTheme with desired backGestureWidth set iOS builder of pageTransitionsTheme to CupertinoPageTransitionsBuilderCustomBackGestureWidth import ‘package:cupertino_back_gesture/cupertino_back_gesture.dart’; BackGestureWidthTheme( backGestureWidth: BackGestureWidth.fraction(1 / ..
Flutter Heat Map Calendar A Heat Map Calendar based on Github’s contributions chart which can be used to visualize values over time Installing 1. Depend on it Add this to your package’s pubspec.yaml file: 2. Install it You can install packages from the command line: with pub: $ pub get with Flutter: $ flutter pub ..
FlutterIconPicker This package provides an IconPicker with supported Icons which can be picked through an AlertDialog. All Icons are mapped with its names in the IconData. This is necessary to make it possible to search through the icons. Fulltextsearch including a note if no results where found. Supported IconPacks IconPack Supported Material Material Outline Cupertino ..
stepo A highly customisable Flutter package for animated unit stepper Supported Dart Versions Dart SDK version >= 2.1.0 Demo Gif Installation Add the Package dependencies: stepo: ^1.0.0 How to use Import the package in your dart file import ‘package:stepo/stepo.dart’; Basic usage : Stepo( key: UniqueKey(), ), Note: For stepo to show instant changes on hot ..
imageview360 A Flutter package which provides 360 view of the images with rotation and gesture customisations. Supported Dart Versions Dart SDK version >= 2.1.0 Demo Gif Installation Add the Package dependencies: imageview360: ^1.0.0 How to use Import the package in your dart file import ‘package:imageview360/imageview360.dart’; Basic usage : ImageView360( key: UniqueKey(), imageList: imageList, ), Note: ..
credit_card_type_detector | Credit Card Type Detector A Dart package that detects credit card types based on the current credit card number patterns This is a port from Braintree’s credit-card-type module Installing Add dependency to your pubspec.yamlGet the current version in the ‘Installing’ tab on Import the package Usage Check out the example app in the example directory or the ..
On-Board Me A flutter package that helps you create on-boarding screen for your project with minutes just by passing a few parameters. Why We Build? Can you build an On-boarding screen within minutes for your app? This is where we help you do that. Screenshots Usage Import this class import ‘package:onboardme/src/on_boarding_me.dart’; Add the On-Boarding screen OnboardingMe( /// ..
Info: Adds a side menu in all screens with debug information. You can decide which information to show and create new modules to include more information. flutter_debug_drawer A debug drawer menu for better development. This is an initial release with very few functionalities. This project is heavily inspired on a similar project for Android ( ..
Flutter Material Pickers A flutter package containing commonly used material design picker dialogs. Some are new, some wrap existing or built in pickers with a common dialog and access function. It includes: New Pickers showMaterialScrollPicker: Allows selection of a string via a slot machine carousel showMaterialNumberPicker: Allows selection of a number via a slot machine ..
country_code_picker A flutter package for showing a country code selector. It supports i18n. Usage Just put the component in your application setting the onChanged callback. @override Widget build(BuildContext context) => new Scaffold( body: Center( child: CountryCodePicker( onChanged: print, // Initial selection and favorite can be one of code (‘IT’) OR dial_code(‘+39’) initialSelection: ‘IT’, favorite: [‘+39′,’FR’], ..
github_trending A Dart library to get GitHub trending repositories and developers via github-trending-api. Installation Add github_trending as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file Usage import ‘package:github_trending/github_trending.dart’; void main() async { // get trending repositories var repos = await getTrendingRepositories(); print(repos[0].name); // specify time period var weeklyRepos = await getTrendingRepositories(since: ‘weekly’); print(weeklyRepos[0].name); // specify language var dartRepos = await getTrendingRepositories(language: ..
A simple animated circular menu for Flutter, Adjustable radius, colors, alignment, animation curve and animation duration. pub package Getting Started Installation Basic Usage Installation Add circular_menu : ^latest_version to your pubspec.yaml, and run flutter pub get in your project’s root directory. Basic Usage Import it to your project file import ‘package:circular_menu/circular_menu.dart’; And add it in ..
milestone_progress Flutter package for IOS and Android to display progress through milestone progress widget. Screenshots ## Usage [Example] To use this package : add the dependency to your pubspec.yaml file. dependencies: flutter: sdk: flutter milestone_progress: How to use /* use this widget to create the milestone progress view Note:The widget doesnot maintain its state itself.So to see ..
account_selector A Flutter package which provides helper widgets for selecting single or multiple account/user from a list Supported Dart Versions Dart SDK version >= 2.1.0 Demo Screen Shots Demo Gif Installation Add the Package dependencies: account_selector: ^0.0.2 How to use Import the package in your dart file import ‘package:account_selector/account.dart’; import ‘package:account_selector/account_selector.dart’; Create an account list ..
dart-sip-ua A dart-lang version of the SIP UA stack, ported from JsSIP. Overview Use pure dart-lang SIP over WebSocket (use real SIP in your flutter/web apps) Audio/video calls (flutter-webrtc) and instant messaging Support with standard SIP servers such as OpenSIPS, Kamailio, Asterisk and FreeSWITCH. Currently supported platforms iOS Android Web macOS Linux Windows Fuchsia Quickstart for Web platform Install ..
flutter_bloc meets sealed_unions Quick Start Extend UnionNImpl class MyState extends Union4Impl<Initial, Loading, Success, Failure> { static final unions = const Quartet<Initial, Loading, Success, Failure>(); MyState._(Union4<Initial, Loading, Success, Failure> union) : super(union); factory MyState.initial() => MyState._(unions.first(Initial())); factory MyState.loading() => MyState._(unions.second(Loading())); factory MyState.success({String data}) => MyState._(unions.third(Success(data: data))); factory MyState.failure({String error}) => MyState._(unions.fourth(Failure(error: error))); } class Initial {} class Loading {} ..
An extension to the bloc state management library which automatically persists and restores bloc states. Overview hydrated_bloc exports a HydratedStorage interface which means it can work with any storage provider. Out of the box, it comes with its own implementation: HydratedBlocStorage. HydratedBlocStorage is built on top of path_provider for a platform-agnostic storage layer. The out-of-the-box storage implementation reads/writes to file using the toJson/fromJson methods on HydratedBloc and should ..
Fresh A Dart HTTP Client with built-in token refresh. Overview Fresh is a package which attempts to simplify custom API authentication by integrating token refresh and caching directly into the client. Fresh is flexible and is intended to support custom token refresh mechanisms. Usage Extend FreshClient // 1. Specify the Token Type class MyHttpClient extends ..
pe_paytm A new Flutter package project for PayTm intergation in your Flutter Apps. #For Demo Getting Started Follow the following Steps to integrate the paytm payment in Flutter Application. Go to Firebase console and Create a Firebase Project (e.g. payments Testing). Set up Node.js and the Firebase CLIYou’ll need a Node.js environment to write functions, ..
assets_audio_player Play music/audio stored in assets files (simultaneously) directly from Flutter (android/ios / web). You can also use play audio files from the network using their URL try online: flutter: assets: – assets/audios/ AssetsAudioPlayer.newPlayer().open( Audio(“assets/audios/song1.mp3”), autoPlay: true, ); Import dependencies: assets_audio_player: ^1.3.8 Web support You like the package ? buy me a kofi 🙂 Import ..
WebFeed A dart package for parsing RSS and Atom feed. Features RSS Atom Namespaces Media RSS Dublin Core Installing Add this line into your pubspec.yaml Import the package into your dart code using: Example To parse string into RssFeed object use: Preview RSS Atom License WebFeed is licensed under the MIT License – see the file for details Download ..
circle_list A new Flutter package for Circle List. Add dependency Super simple to use If you want to add gradient background Another background CenterWidget Demo Params Download Flutter package for circle list Source code on GitHub FlutterappworldProvides the list of the opensource Flutter apps collection with GitHub repository. flutterapp..
Flutter Page Transition Package This package gives you beautiful page transitions. Demo Usage It is really easy to use! You should ensure that you add the page_transition as a dependency in your flutter project. dependencies: page_transition: “^1.1.5” Than you can use it with below examples. Navigator.push(context, PageTransition(type: PageTransitionType.fade, child: DetailScreen())); Navigator.push(context, PageTransition(type: PageTransitionType.leftToRight, child: DetailScreen())); Navigator.push(context, PageTransition(type: ..
Info about flutter_styled_toast A Styled Toast Flutter package. You can highly customize toast ever. Beautify toast with a series of animations and make toast more beautiful. demo Getting Started dependencies: flutter_styled_toast: ^1.2.1 import ‘package:flutter_styled_toast/flutter_styled_toast.dart’; StyledToast( textStyle: TextStyle(fontSize: 16.0, color: Colors.white), backgroundColor: Color(0x99000000), borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(5.0), textPadding: EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 17.0, vertical: 10.0), toastPositions: StyledToastPosition.bottom, toastAnimation: StyledToastAnimation.fade, reverseAnimation: StyledToastAnimation.fade, ..