Built Values for Dart Introduction Built Value provides: Immutable value types; EnumClass, classes that behave like enums; JSON serialization. Immutable collections are from built_collection. See the API docs. Articles built_value for Immutable Object Models built_value for Serialization Building a Chat App in Dart End to End Testing in One Short Second with Dart Moving Fast with Dart Immutable Values ..
Category : Packages
Water Drop ???????????? A simple package for adding water drops to your Widgets! ????????????????????????????????????????Blog article with a detailed explanation:https://fidev.io/water-drop???????????????????????????????????????? Why? Why not?! How? Just wrap your widget in WaterDrop and provide params: Widget build(BuildContext context) { return WaterDrop( child: _StaticCard(color: Colors.green), params: [ WaterDropParam(top: 50, height: 70, left: 100, width: 50), WaterDropParam(top: 10, height: 100, left: 280, width: 100), ..
paging A Flutter package for paginating a list view Installation Add this to your package’s pubspec.yaml file dependencies: … paging: ^latest.version.here Usage First import paging.dart import ‘package:paging/paging.dart’; Simple to use. You can pass a type <T> as a parameter to the widget, by default dynamic is assumed. There are two required parameters: pageBuilder: requires a ..
Fluwx Chinese please click here What’s Fluwx Fluwx is flutter plugin for WeChatSDK which allows developers to callWeChatSDK native APIs. Join QQ Group now: 892398530。 Capability Share images, texts, music and so on to WeChat, including session, favorite and timeline. Payment with WeChat. Get auth code before you login in with WeChat. Launch mini program in WeChat. Subscribe Message. ..
Info: Lite version of smart_select package, zero dependencies, an easy way to provide a single or multiple choice chips. You can check out his package details on Pub: https://pub.dev/packages/chips_choice chips_choice Lite version of smart_select package, zero dependencies, an easy way to provide a single or multiple choice chips. Demo Preview Download Features Select single or ..
flutter_annual_task flutter_annual_task Flutter package for displaying grid view of daily task like Github-Contributions. Example Usage Make sure to check out example project. AnnualTaskView( taskItem // List<AnnualTaskItem> ), Installation Add to pubspec.yaml: dependencies: flutter_annual_task: ^0.1.3 Then import it to your project: import ‘package:flutter_annual_task/flutter_annual_task.dart’; And finally add AnnualTaskView widget in your project. AnnualTaskView( taskItem // List<AnnualTaskItem> ), ..
FAB Circular Menu A Flutter package to create a nice circular menu using a Floating Action Button. Inspired by Mayur Kshirsagar‘s great FAB Microinteraction design. Getting started Wrap your content with FabCircularMenu and set your desired options: MaterialApp( home: Scaffold( body: FabCircularMenu( child: Placeholder(), // Replace this with your content options: <Widget>[ IconButton(icon: Icon(Icons.home), onPressed: ..
credit_card_field Flutter credit card, cvv, and expiration form fields. An expiration form field is automatically formatted. Download Source Code on GitHub https://github.com/Sub6Resources/credit_card_field FlutterappworldProvides the list of the opensource Flutter apps collection with GitHub repository. flutterapp..
flutter_html Note: 1.0.0-pre.1 has been released! See the Migration Guide if you’d like to take advantage of all the new features of 1.0.0! Also, check out the Prerelease Changelog. Version 1.0.0 is currently on the new-parser branch. This README will be updated when 1.0.0 is merged into the master branch. A Flutter widget for rendering static html tags as Flutter widgets. ..
Boilerplate Project A boilerplate project created in flutter using MobX and Provider. Getting Started The Boilerplate contains the minimal implementation required to create a new library or project. The repository code is preloaded with some basic components like basic app architecture, app theme, constants and required dependencies to create a new project. By using boiler ..
Simple Animations Simple Animations is a package for Flutter to boost your animation productivity by simplifying the way to create animations. Simple Animations is a powerful package to create beautiful custom animations in no time. fully tested well documented enterprise-ready Highlights Easily create custom animations in stateless widgets Animate multiple properties at once Create staggered animations within seconds Simplified working with AnimationController instances ..
Table Calendar Highly customizable, feature-packed Flutter Calendar with gestures, animations, and multiple formats. Table Calendar with custom styles Table Calendar with Builders Features Extensive, yet easy to use API Custom Builders for truly flexible UI Complete programmatic control with CalendarController Dynamic events Interface for holidays Locale support Vertical autosizing Beautiful animations Gesture handling Multiple Calendar formats Multiple ..
states_rebuilder states_rebuilder is a flutter state management solution that allows for clear and sharp separation of concern between the user interface (UI) logic and the business logic. The separation is clear and sharp to the point that the business logic is written with pure, vanilla, plain old dart classes without extending any external library-specific classes and ..
A predictable state management library that helps implement the BLoC design pattern. Overview The goal of this library is to make it easy to separate presentation from business logic, facilitating testability and reusability. Documentation Official Documentation Bloc Package Flutter Bloc Package Angular Bloc Package Migration Upgrade from v0.x to v2.x Dart Counter – an example of how to create a CounterBloc (pure ..
Circular Bottom Navigation (or maybe a tab bar). This is implementation of an artwork in Uplabs Let’s get started 1 – Depend on it Add this to your package’s pubspec.yaml file: dependencies: circular_bottom_navigation: ^1.0.1 2 – Install it install packages from the command line: flutter packages get 3 – Import it Now in your Dart code, ..
Info: Flutter plugin that allows you to display multi-image picker on iOS and Android. ???????????? Flutter plugin that allows you to display multi-image picker on iOS and Android. Key Features • Documentation • FAQ • Credits • Related • License Key Features Pick multiple images Native performance Photos sorted by albums Take a picture option in the grid view Restrict the maximum count of images the user ..
collection_ext A set of extension methods for Dart collections, designed for the purpose of making it easier to write concise, functional-programming-styled Dart code. Working on an Iterable for example, with collection_ext, we can write: iterable.forEachIndexed((i, x) => /* use index i & element x */) instead of: var i = 0; for (var x in iterable) { // use index i & ..
Philippines This provides a complete list of Philippine towns, cities, provinces, and regions. References: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regions_of_the_Philippines http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Provinces_of_the_Philippines http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_cities_and_municipalities_in_the_Philippines Installation: Usage: Notes If the data is outdated, feel free to contribute. Contributions Feel free to contribute! Just create a Pull Request 🙂 Download Philippines Source Code on GitHub FlutterappworldProvides the list of the opensource Flutter apps collection ..
empty_Widget FilterList is a flutter plugin that is designed to provide ease in filter data from a list of strings. Getting Started 1. Add library to your pubspec.yaml dependencies: filter_list: ^0.0.1 2. Import library in dart file import ‘import ‘package:filter_list/filter_list.dart’;’; 3. How to use FilterList Create a list of Strings List<String> countList = [ “One”, ..
A Dart implementation of Sass. Sass makes CSS fun again. Using Dart Sass From Chocolatey or Scoop (Windows) From Homebrew (OS X) Standalone From npm From Pub From Source JavaScript API Why Dart? Compatibility Policy Browser Compatibility Node.js Compatibility Behavioral Differences from Ruby Sass Using Dart Sass There are a few different ways to install and run Dart Sass, ..
The brightest, hippest, coolest router for Flutter. Features Simple route navigation Function handlers (map to a function instead of a route) Wildcard parameter matching Querystring parameter parsing Common transitions built-in Simple custom transition creation Version Compatability See CHANGELOG for all breaking (and non-breaking) changes. Getting started You should ensure that you add the router as ..
Fish Redux What is Fish Redux ? Fish Redux is an assembled flutter application framework based on Redux state management. It is suitable for building medium and large applications. It has four characteristics: Functional Programming Predictable state container Pluggable componentization Non-destructive performance Architecture diagram Installation Go Documentation Examples all list – a simple all list demo. ..
Emojis Emoji for Dart Over 3300 EmojisThis contain all Unicode 13 Emojis (2️0️2️0️) Usage Import import ‘package:emojis/emojis.dart’; // to use Emoji collection import ‘package:emojis/emoji.dart’; // to use Emoji utilities Use print(‘I ${Emojis.greenHeart} ${Emojis.directHit}’); // I 💚 🎯 Emoji smile = Emoji.byName(‘Grinning Face’); // get a emoji by its name print(‘Emoji name : ${smile.name}’); // Emoji name is Grinning Face ..
Flutter Map plugin for ArcGIS Esri Currently support feature layer and feature cluster We are working on more features A Dart implementation of Esri Leaflet for Flutter apps. This is a plugin for flutter_map package Feature layer’s cluster Inspired by flutter_map_marker_cluster package Usage Add flutter_map, dio and flutter_map_arcgis to your pubspec: dependencies: flutter_map: any flutter_map_arcgis: any # or the ..
Spider A small dart library to generate Assets dart code from assets folder. It generates dart class with static const variables in it which can be used to reference the assets safely anywhere in the flutter app. Example Before Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Image(image: AssetImage(‘assets/background.png’)); } After Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Image(image: AssetImage(Assets.background)); ..
Flutter package for holaa Holaa is an AI-enabled chatbot that can be used for a range of different tasks from Help and FAQ to online ticket bookings. This is a flutter package that makes the integration of holaa onto mobile devices much easier. Installation Add holaa to your pubspec.yaml file dependencies: holaa: ^0.0. Run Pub ..
FlutterDux Flutter + Redux.js Android only at the moment, iOS coming soon. Getting Started Check out this article for a description of how it works. Loading website void main() { runApp(new MyApp()); FlutterDux.instance.loadUrl(‘<YOUR WEBSITE RUNNING REDUX>’); } Binding widgets class _MyWidgetState extends State<MyWidget> with FlutterDuxMixin{ int _counter = 0; @override List<Property> get properties => [ ..
About Status Alert: Display Apple system-like self-hiding status alerts. It is well suited for notifying users without interrupting user flow. Installing: In your pubspec.yaml dependencies: status_alert: ^0.1.1 import ‘package:status_alert/status_alert.dart’; Basic Usage: StatusAlert.show( context, duration: Duration(seconds: 2), title: ‘Title’, subtitle: ‘Subtitle’, configuration: IconConfiguration(icon: Icons.done), ) Apple Podcasts vs Status Alert: Download Status Alert for Flutter Source ..
Badges for Flutter Installing: In your pubspec.yaml dependencies: badges: ^1.1.0 import ‘package:badges/badges.dart’; Basic Usage: Badge( badgeContent: Text(‘3′), child: Icon(Icons.settings), ) Animations: BadgeAnimationType.slide BadgeAnimationType.scale BadgeAnimationType.fade Chips: Sometimes you may want to use chip but it’s too big, even if set padding to zero. This is where Badge comes handy. Chip( backgroundColor: Colors.deepPurple, padding: EdgeInsets.all(0), label: Text(‘BADGE’, ..
Gives a detailed explanation of working with simple and complex JSON structures using dart:convert library in Flutter along with a sample project with 6+ examples to experiment with. Tutorial Read the Medium article here Types of JSON structures Simple map Simple structure with arrays Simple nested structures Nested structure with Lists List of maps Complex ..
A mixture between dependency injection (DI) and state management, built with widgets for widgets. It purposefully uses widgets for DI/state management instead of dart-only classes like Stream. The reason is, widgets are very simple yet robust and scalable. By using widgets for state management, provider can guarantee: maintainability, through a forced uni-directional data-flow testability/composability, since ..
Flutter TeX A Flutter Package to render so many types of equations based on LaTeX, most commonly used are as followings: Mathematics / Maths Equations (Algebra, Calculus, Geometry, Geometry etc…) Physics Equations Signal Processing Equations Chemistry Equations Statistics / Stats Equations It also includes full HTML with JavaScript support. Rendering of equations depends on mini-mathjax ..
Flutter MVP demo Apply MVP to Flutter project. To easy understand this project, you can visit my other project first which talk about ListView on Flutter at here: https://github.com/yendangn/Flutter-Simple-ListView UI Overview My project is using API from https://randomuser.me/ . The UI will show a list of use as below. And I also apply MVP to ..
Flutter Modular Info: What is Flutter Modular? When a project is getting bigger and more complex, we unfortunately end up joining a lot of archives in just one, it makes harder the code maintenance and reusability too. The Modular give us a bunch of adapted solutions for Flutter, such a dependency injection, routes controller and ..
Slidy CLI package manager and template generator for Flutter. Generate Modules, Pages, Widgets, BLoCs, Controllers, and tests. Slidy supports rxBLoC, flutter_bloc, and mobx. Why should I use it? Slidy’s goal is to help you structure your project in a standardized way. Organizing your app in Modules formed by pages, repositories, widgets, BloCs, and also create ..
peek_and_pop Peek & Pop implementation for Flutter based on the iOS functionality of the same name. Finally, the v1.0.0 release! More fluent, more optimized and more beautiful than ever. Very customizable and very easy to use. It is highly recommended to read the documentation and run the example project on a real device to fully ..
horizontal_data_table A Flutter Widget that create a horizontal table with fixed column on left hand side. Usage This shows Widget’s full customizations: Left side column(leftHandSideColumnWidth) and right side maximum scrollable area width(rightHandSideColumnWidth) are required to input. isFixedHeader is to define whether use fixed top row header. If true, headerWidgets is required. Default is false. This ..
Commons Commons Flutter package can used for Flutter Android and IOS applications. Includes Alert dialog Toast messages Single input dialog Options dialog Loading screen Extensions functions Stack trace screen Shared Preferences functions Value validators Date and Time functions Connection Functions http rest client api functions How to use Required Dart version >= 2.6+ 1. Depend ..
Transify An application to translate text either type or fetch text from image and translate in the desired language. Find the translation of the object name captured using the camera in the desired language and find the language spoken in a region by capturing nearby landmarks. App Screenshots : Download Transify Source Code on GitHub ..
Flutter Package: This is a mixture of FileImage and NetworkImage. It will download the image from the URL once, save it locally in the file system, and then use it from there in the future. network_to_file_image This is a mixture of FileImage and NetworkImage. It will download the image from the url once, save it ..