lite_rolling_switch Full customable rolling switch widget for flutter apps based on Pedro Massango’s ‘crazy-switch’ widget About Custom Switch button with attractive animation, made to allow you to customize colors, icons and other cosmetic content. Manage the widget states in the same way you do with the classical material’s switch widget. NOTE: Currently, you cannot directly ..
Category : Flutter App
CS:GO Tournament App An App where all the details about a tournament can be found. Features User Side Players can Register for the tournament through the App itself. Users can Sign-in Anonymously. Users can see the Match Schedule on the App. Users can watch Match details (including time, score, winner team, MVP etc) Users can ..
Today we learn about how to use a multi-thread mechanism for the can use searching concept. We’ll create a searching concept with a service response. It needs to delay every touch from the keyboard as well as performance. Need a new thread for the searching process thus we can’t block the main thread so it ..
ListTileSwitch ListTileSwitch is a simple widget that combines ListTile with a switch. Offering 3 types of switch widgets: Switch: Material Switch from Material library on Flutter SDK. CupertinoSwitch: CupertinoSwitch from Cupertino library on Flutter SDK. A custom switch. Tested on Android and Web but not iOS. Theoritacially it should work on iOS devices too, since this package contains nothing ..
Official Flutter packages for Stream Chat Quick Links Register to get an API key for Stream Chat Flutter Chat SDK Tutorial Chat UI Kit Sample apps This repository contains code for our Dart and Flutter chat clients. Stream allows developers to rapidly deploy scalable feeds and chat messaging with an industry leading 99.999% uptime SLA guarantee. Sample apps and demos Our ..
Visit Nepal : Tourism app made with Flutter and Django This is an app that gives you information about all the things that make Nepal breathtaking. Features : Fetch data from a GraphQl Server. Data collected via web-scraping with Python. Navigate to a specific location via Google Maps Dynamic Theming using Provider Beautiful UI To run ..
Home Widget HomeWidget is a Plugin to make it easier to create HomeScreen Widgets on Android and iOS. HomeWidget does not allow writing Widgets with Flutter itself. It still requires writing the Widgets with native code. However, it provides a unified Interface for sending data, retrieving data and updating the Widgets iOS Android Platform Setup In order ..
analytics_events_gen An easy generator for tracking firebase analytics events via type safe methods. Add to pubspec.yaml Check pub for the latest version: dependencies: # … analytics_event_gen: 0.1.0 dev_dependencies: # include build_runner, only used for code generation. build_runner: ^1.6.5 Create AnalyticsEvents class: // analytics.dart import ‘package:analytics_event_gen/analytics_event_gen.dart’; // this file will be generated. part ‘analytics.g.dart’; class MyAnalyticsBloc ..
SMHI Open Data for Dart A Dart package for usage of the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute’s Open Data API. The API allows you to get the weather and other meterological data like air temperature & pressure. At the time of writing this, the Meteorological Forecasts API is available in the following countries: Sweden Norway Finland ..
Short Intro: Imgix is a CDN service with support for realtime image processing and optimization. This package helps developers generate imgix image url. imgix_core_dart Imgix package for Dart. Imgix is a CDN service with support for realtime image processing and optimization. See also Install dependencies: imgix_core_dart: 1.0.0 Usage import ‘package:imgix_core_dart/imgix_core_dart.dart’; void main() { ..
This is an open-source public transport app packed with cool features Try it out Platform Link iOS Get on Testflight Android Download the latest APK Web (BETA) Try the Web version Features A beautiful route search and view. A simple but powerfull timetable. AI-powered smart suggestions. Open-source, add your own country to the app! See ..
onboarding This is a sample flutter onboarding plugin you use to attract first-time users when they land on your page, hence the name onboarding. You can implement this widget anyhow you want in your app, by managing its top-level state to show the widget to users at the appropriate time. There are also many parameters ..
SKOnBoarding Screen A library that walks a user through multiple on-boarding screens in a simple and easy way GIF Installation You just need to add sk_onboarding_screen as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file. dependencies: sk_onboarding_screen: ^1.0.1 Usage Import this class import ‘package:sk_onboarding_screen/sk_onboarding_screen.dart; SKOnboardingModel final pages = [ SkOnboardingModel( title: ‘Choose your item’, description: ‘Easily find your ..
SlidingTutorial Cleveroad introduces Sliding Tutorial Library for Flutter Hey guys, hope you haven’t started developing a tutorial for your Flutter app yet, as we have already completed a part of your job. Don’t worry, we act from good motives only. Our aim is to help you create a sliding tutorial in a fast and simple ..
nice_intro Get your users to know your app with ease Getting Started Onboarding is a great way to introduce your app to newcomers, to help them quickly adapt to the new conditions so that they can get the most out of your app. A Flutter package to build awesome intro slides for your apps. Demo ..
pedax is Board GUI with edax, which is the strongest reversi program. pedax has 4 features. Comfortably, you can see evaluation value, e.g. +4, -10. Mac/Windows are supported. Linux is still not verified. Customizable important options, e.g. book file path, search level, advanced indicator. 2 languages (English, Japanese) are supported. Development commands format flutter format -l 120 . run flutter run -d macos test widget test flutter ..
This helps you reduce the development and testing time of new featuresShow some and star the repo to support the project! Main features Check device info & package info Viewing and managing application cache Flutter inspector features Test your custom actions Quickstart Wrap your MaterialApp’s home or builder widget in a DebugFriend. import ‘package:debug_friend/debug_friend.dart’; import ‘package:flutter/material.dart’; void main() ..
A custom Slider which accepts a list of ordered values. It’s meant to be as simple as the original Slider! UI with it Usages Continuous slider. MultiSlider( values: _myList, onChanged: (values) => setState(()=> _myList = values), ), Discrete slider. MultiSlider( values: _myList, onChanged: (values) => setState(()=> _myList = values), divisions: 10, ), With custom trace ..
Flutter Control is complex library to maintain App and State management.Library merges multiple functionality under one hood. This approach helps to tidily bound separated logic into complex solution. import ‘package:flutter_control/core.dart’; App State Management – Managing application state, localization, theme and other global App changes. Widget State Management – UI / Logic separation. Controlling State and UI updates. ..
Dart Sealed Class Generator Short Intro: Dart and Flutter sealed class generator and annotations, with match methods and other utilities. There is also super_enum compatible API. Generate sealed class hierarchy for Dart and Flutter. Features Generate sealed class with abstract super type and data sub-classes. Static factory methods. for example Result.success(data: 0). Cast methods. for example a.asSuccess, a.isSuccess or a.asSuccessOrNull. ..
Timeline A flutter package that allows you to create basic timelines on your flutter application. This is customizable and easy to plugin to your application. You will find the following features: A simple timeline with a title and a description Customizable color options for – Line, Title, Description and Background Tween animation on the line ..
macos_ui Flutter widgets and themes implementing the current macOS design language. Content macos_ui Content Contributing Resources Layout MacosWindow MacosScaffold Buttons MacosCheckbox HelpButton RadioButton PushButton MacosSwitch Dialogs MacosAlertDialog Fields MacosTextField Labels MacosTooltip Indicators Progress Indicators ProgressCircle ProgressBar Level Indicators CapacityIndicator RatingIndicator RelevanceIndicator Contributing macOS welcomes contributions. Please see for more information. Resources macOS Design Resources ..
This is an app that displays you details of movies that you can search for or browse. Features : Fetch api data from TMDB asynchronously. Dynamic Theming using Provider Search Functionality Screenshots: To run this app Obtain api key from TMDB. Replace YOUR_API_KEY in api_constants.dart with your api key. Run the app with flutter run –release Download ..
Easy Material White Theme Getting Started in pubspec.yaml void main() { runApp(FastTheme( accentColor:, child: MyApp(), )); } class MyApp extends StatelessWidget { @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return MaterialApp( title: ‘Flutter Demo’, theme: FastTheme.of(context).theme, home: SampleListPage(), ); } } Specific Widget FastAppBar showFastTimePicker showFastDatePicker Download Fast UI White source code on GitHub FlutterappworldProvides the ..
flutter_splash Redesign Unsplash Mobile Application with flutter tools. About its open source application based Unsplash API for training Flutter , Dio , Cubit(Bloc) state management tool. View Under development. Download flutter splash source code on GitHub FlutterappworldProvides the list of the opensource Flutter apps collection with GitHub repository. flutterapp..
This repository contains scripts written in Dart to report on various aspects of code health within the Flutter repository. They’re probably not terribly useful if you’re not a Flutter contributor, but you might find some snippets here that show you how to access Github using either GraphQL or the REST API. Setup You must have an environment ..
Flat Dataset for different helpful Flutter APIs Flutter Releases Currently does a daily snapshot of the Flutter Releases JSON for all platforms. View Data: Flutter Favorites A json with all Flutter Favorites including package information. View Data: Github Dart Trending Repos A json with a trending Github Repos in Dart in the last month. View ..
RealtimeChat A chat app for IRL streamers. Android: Getting Started RealtimeChat is a standard Flutter application. We support Android and iOS but not web. To get started, follow the standard If this is your first exposure to Flutter, follow the install guide to set up your environment. Optionally, go through the codelab to learn how Flutter applications are written. ..
rid-examples Examples showing how to use Rid in order to build Dart/Flutter apps integrated with Rust. What is Rid? Rid stands for Rust integrates Dart and is a tool I am working on that allows to call Rust functions from Dart and Flutter applications by simply annotating them. Its main goal is to make it super easy to implement your UI ..
hotdeals-app hotdeals-app is an online marketplace app developed with Flutter.The app’s Backend can be found here. Table of Contents Screenshots Features Getting Started Prerequisites Installation Usage Roadmap Screenshots Features Social sign in with Facebook and Google (using Firebase Authentication) State management using Provider Service Locator using get_it In-app messaging Notifications (using Firebase Cloud Messaging) Localization (l10n) Light and Dark theme Getting Started To get ..
Bonfire Build RPG games and similar with the power of FlameEngine! Bonfire is ideal for building games from the following perspectives: Test our online DEMO. Documentation For more information and examples see the Documentation. Download RPG maker source code on GitHub FlutterappworldProvides the list of the opensource Flutter apps collection with GitHub repository. flutterapp..
Flutter Pipe Flutter with MediaPipe Project This is Flutter project using MediaPipe ML models. Face Detection Face Mesh Hand Detection Pose Estimation Features Detect face on real-time Detect face landmark on real-time Detect hand on real-time Estimate body pose on real-time Visualize inference results MediaPipe MediaPipe offers cross-platform, customizable ML solutions for live and streaming ..
HERE SDK Reference Application for Flutter The reference application for the HERE SDK for Flutter (Navigate Edition) shows how a complex and release-ready project targeting iOS and Android devices may look like. You can use it as a source of inspiration for your own HERE SDK based projects – in parts or as a whole. Overview With ..
Flame Splash Screen Style your flame game with a beautiful splash screen. This package includes a FlameSplashScreen widget. Install Add flame_splash_screen as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file (what?). Import the widget: import ‘package:flame_splash_screen/flame_splash_screen.dart’; Usage The splash screen is a widget that can be used to show the splash screen. Simple usage There is just two required params: onFinish, ..
stylish_dialog A collection of stylish animated dialogs like Normal, Progress, Success, Info, Warning, and Error for flutter. Showcase Installing Import import ‘package:stylish_dialog/stylish_dialog.dart’; How To Use Properties context → BuildContext alertType → int titleText → String addView → Widget confirmText → String confirmText → String cancelText → String confirmPressEvent → void Function () cancelPressEvent → void ..
Topl Bip Library Library for building Topl blockchain wallet mobile apps in Flutter. Please read the documentation for more information. About This project is a Topl blockchain on-ramp for Flutter/Dart mobile app developers. Currently a work in progress. It will power the live Ribn wallet currently in active development. Current Features CIP-1852 HD Wallet Compatibility Topl Specific ..
FEhViewer Introduction An Unofficial e-hentai app make on flutter Translations Wanted Please submit a pull request if you want to help with translation. App Strings: lib/l10n/{lang}.arb Installation for iOS Get the ipa file from Releases. Use some software like AltStore to install the ipa file on your device. Descriptions The main reference for UI is E-HentaiViewer Because it is flutter, ..
Ably Flutter Plugin A Flutter plugin wrapping the ably-cocoa (iOS) and ably-java (Android) client library SDKs for Ably, the platform that powers synchronized digital experiences in realtime. Ably provides the best infrastructure and APIs to power realtime experiences at scale, delivering billions of realtime messages everyday to millions of end users. We handle the complexity of realtime messaging so you can focus ..
Flutter Chat UI Actively maintained, community-driven chat UI implementation with an optional Firebase BaaS. Flyer Chat is a platform for creating in-app chat experiences using Flutter or React Native. This repository contains chat UI implementation for Flutter. Free, open-source and community-driven. We offer no paid plugins and strive to create an easy-to-use, almost drop-in chat experience for ..
Welcome to Runbhumi A Flutter app which aims to build a sports community Homepage Prototype Motivation/Inspiration Install flutter pub get Usage flutter run Format code flutter format . Test flutter analyze . flutter test Download this social media app source code on GitHub FlutterappworldProvides the list of the opensource Flutter apps collection with GitHub repository. ..